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How many weeds do I need?


4 Aug 2007
Stourbridge West Mids
Hello all,me again 😳 Another question about setting up the 8 footer.

Right,I know that I need to plant as many fast growing weeds as possible at the start to hopefully stop any algae blooms but I'm unsure of how many/what type to get.

Should I aim for x amount of bunches per sq ft, should I order my low growing carpet plants from day one,what about 'specimen' plants,so many questions!

I've spoken to my lfs and the owner is happy to order me in one or two boxes but I need to know what to ask him to order in and how many.

Thanks in advance for your help(again) 🙄
Hi Jayne,
It's difficult to determine a plant-per-square foot value but you may want to have a look at the Greenline Super Discus Collection=> http://www.aquaticplants.eu.com/acatalo ... tions.html

The 72 inch XL collection contains around 150 plants for less than 30 quid so I reckon you could order two of those and you'd be fine to start off with. I personally like the idea of using lots of crypts and swords in a large tank, not only because they are never intimidated by the tank size, but they are hardy and their extensive root structures help tremendously in aerating the sediment and helping to propagate the bacteria in the sediment. Be sure to collect as much mulm and detritus from the substrate of other tanks and to add lots of peat to your substrate in this tank to use as a carbon source and priming for the sediment bacteria.

An additional thing you can seriously think about is to cycle the sediment and add carpet plants before you add the water. This procedure requires 3-4 weeks but does a really good job of cycling the sediment without the risk of algae. This requires light and covering the tank to keep in the humidity. Now that the weather is warmer this method will work well. It will enable you to grow some carpet plants and cycle the soil, will give you time to work out other details of the tank while this is happening.

ceg4048 said:
An additional thing you can seriously think about is to cycle the sediment and add carpet plants before you add the water. This procedure requires 3-4 weeks but does a really good job of cycling the sediment without the risk of algae. This requires light and covering the tank to keep in the humidity. Now that the weather is warmer this method will work well. It will enable you to grow some carpet plants and cycle the soil, will give you time to work out other details of the tank while this is happening.


I have never heard of this before and I am very interested in trying it as I would like a nice carpet of low plants.

Are there any particular types of carpet plants that work better with this method,I'm guessing HC but what about something like a pygmy sword or crypt? I've never tried to grow a carpet before and I know they can be quite difficult so anything that helps to make it easier is much appreciated.

I intend adding some substrate from one of my existing setups to help with the cycling of the ecocomplete that I'm using in the new tank,I'm assumimg that would still be OK for this method?