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how many tanks?

mr. luke

7 Dec 2008
Who here has mt syndrome?
I have my main setup and a nano for moss experiments.
Setting up another tank tomorrow and I have 7 nanos in the loft that I just cant part with.
Time for a clearout I think 🙂
180liter(low-tech running for 2.5years now), 115l(the competition scaping tank), 35l(RCS tank), 25l(empty tank) at the moment.
Looking forward to build a 4 footer next year, yet another planted tank. I wish I had more space to venture other types of setups too.

You can see most of my older setups here..
Earlier this year, I decided to restart the hobby with an old nano I had in the basement. That had gotten scratched,so I bought a 40 L Nano Cube. Five weeks later, I bought another one. Six months in, I have 5 25 L, 2 40 L and 1 120 L Juwel Lido. Ow, and about a dozen Wabi-Kusa/ AquaGarden types of pots and vases and things. Am thinking about starting a support group. 😛
1x 300 liter high tech tank, 1 year old.
1x 40 liter high tech at the moment but thinking in going low tech with it, 2.5 year old.
1x 10 liter for my son's Beta which is very low tech, no light, no ferts (rich substrate), no filte,r 6 months old.
1x 30 liter low tech tank on my desk at work, 3 months young.
trying to find space for a nano salt water tank😉.
Earlier this year, I decided to restart the hobby with an old nano I had in the basement. That had gotten scratched,so I bought a 40 L Nano Cube. Five weeks later, I bought another one. Six months in, I have 5 25 L, 2 40 L and 1 120 L Juwel Lido. Ow, and about a dozen Wabi-Kusa/ AquaGarden types of pots and vases and things. Am thinking about starting a support group. 😛
I'm not that sick yet
Just 1 planted 60l cube and 1 330l clown loach tank with a few anubias plants in. swmbo, kids, and a lack of time and money stops me from buying more but i do have other peoples tanks i can play with too
Good thing you added "yet". 😉

Still, as far as liters go, I'm still under what I used to have in my bedroom when I still lived with my parents; had a 360 L and a 30 L. 😎 So not that bad, yet.

Have run out of room though, only have space for one big tank, but that's a long term project. And one of the 25s will be changed into a paludarium sort of thing, it's currently a holding tank for fish and shrimp in between rescapes. LOL
I have a 96l high tech planted tank, a 96l community tank, and am just in the process of setting up a 4ft planted Rainbow fish tank. I've just popped a few plants in that tank on Wednesday and will be adding more over the coming weeks before adding the first livestock in about a month or so.

I've also got 2 28l and a 110l Juwel Delta corner tank in the shed, aswell as a 60l and 12l in the loft.

In a few years when my 2 youngest no longer need their playroom I'll be having a monster tank ( along the lines of Alistairs monster ) in there.
We are byying our own place next year.
We have our deposit ready to go. Just saving for the tank budget 🙂
Going to have our 160l cube as our 'small' tank 🙂
The budget will be going on 2 5x3x3 tanks. 1 fresh and 1 salty.
My idea was a 6x2x2 for each but aparantly thats too large... she hasnt bothered to calculate the volume of the agreed size haha.
Was running 6 at one stage, I have now cut down to 4 and soon to 2 12l nanos, which will probably end up going also.
1@ 290l main display tank
4 @ Dennerle Scaper's tanks 50l
2@ Aquanano 40 50l cubes
4 @ 25l nanos
Started last October with a 64l cube......now I have an additional 1x 55l, 1x 98l &1x 110l. Oh and a half full 90l tub holding plants. So 0 to 372 litres in 9 months......and all 5 are in the lounge 😀

Struck a deal with my understanding wife. All tanks go if I can get one large tank of roughly the same volume :cigar:
Until a couple of months ago I was running 7 tanks.

2 Juwel Rio 125 - 125l
2 Superfish Home 25 - 25l
2 Fluval Ebi - 30l
1 P@H basic tank - 19l

One Fluval Ebi was high-tech and all the rest were low tech. Keeping up with all the maintenance with work and family was getting tricky so I have now gone back to two tanks. 2 54l from ND Aquatics. One houses Fire-Bellied toads and the other is my community tank.
Hmm I know this disorder well. I think I am currently running in the order of 3,500l

1x ~1,600l
1x 700l
1x 300l
2x 200l
6x 80l
1x 60l
1x 20l
4x 12l

The first three are scaped high tech displays, most of the remainder are planted low techs Walstead...ish, a few are bare bottom with plants.
All geared towards rainbowfish.
Hmm I know this disorder well. I think I am currently running in the order of 3,500l

1x ~1,600l
1x 700l
1x 300l
2x 200l
6x 80l
1x 60l
1x 20l
4x 12l

The first three are scaped high tech displays, most of the remainder are planted low techs Walstead...ish, a few are bare bottom with plants.
All geared towards rainbowfish.

Top that!:woot:
You must have a very understanding family sanj, thats some serious MTS
A 50% water change of 1800L 😱 I hope you're not on a meter :greedy:

As for them all being geared toward rainbowfish........:clap: