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Holiday advice.


21 Mar 2012
I break up from work in 3 weeks for 6 weeks(the 1 good thing about working in a school) and weather permitting would like to go camping with the family and dogs for a few days to a week.I don't have anybody I trust to tend my tank while I am away and am wondering what to do.I'm not bothered about the fish getting fed as I know they will be ok,Its just the plants.
The tank is 400lts with nutrasoil planting substrate,I dose EI 3 times a week and the co2 and lights are on timers.The lights are 4x4 foot T8's with reflectors.I read somewhere about turning the photo period down but don't know what to.Would I need to turn it back up gradually?
Any advice gratefully received.
When i go away I turn the lights down, to just 4 hours a day. And leave the co2 the same.

The issue is the lack of ferts, and the fish food.

The fish can be ok without food for a week or so, but 6 weeks is a long time.

Cheers mate
I'm not going away for 6 weeks just the one,I just have 6 weeks off work.