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High nitrate and phosphate levels


12 Mar 2013
Firstly hi to everyone on this excellent forum.
I am going to be setting up a 120 litre Iwagumi style tank planting Cyperus Helferi, Eleocharis parvula and Hemianthus Callitrichoides Cuba. I want to use the EI dosing method but I have found that my tap water is high in nitrates and phosphates. Nitrate 75ppm and phosphate 2ppm. Firstly is it ok to be dosing Seachem nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium at the recommended dosage levels with such high levels of nitrate and phosphate in my tap water ? I will also be injecting co2 and using flourish excel. Also is it ok to start EI dosing the water column right from the start with micro and macro nutrients ? Thanks.
It is not likely that your tap water NO3 levels are 75ppm. The European maximum is 50ppm, so if you used a test kit to measure any of these values then you have made your first blunder. Throw away your test kit and dose the suggested amounts as listed in whatever EI recipe you are following from the start.

Hi Ceg,
Thanks for that. Your right about the test kit. On the water companies website the nitrate concentration is listed as 52ppm. All tests kits now in the bin. They are are a waste of time as I've read in your many threads. As far as water changes go i know it's 50% every week but do I need to do more in the first 2 weeks ? Thanks.