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Hi from Liverpool


19 Apr 2016
liverpool england
hi everyone, so its great to finally find people who wont think im crazy when im obsessing about plants and fish.
ive recently returned to the hobby after a good few years and everything seems to have completely changed.
Im obsessed with aquascaping yet all the visions i had of a flourishing aquascape didn't quite work out in practice but im finally getting there. currently have the fluval edge 12 gallon which is posing quite a challenge to work with because of the height so have gone with low maintenance plants, mostly anubias, java ferns, vallis and amazon frogbit
My other obsession is shrimp which ive never kept before and hope to breed, at the moment i have red cherrys and crystal red bee shrimp housed with endler fish and pygmy corys.
Hi and welcome...for the record obsessing about plants and fish is perfectly normal behaviour...it's everyone else that's mad:wacky:
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thanks everyone for the comments and the warm welcome🙂....having a crisis today as found 1 dead endler fish today and 2 dead shrimp!, everyone else in tank seems fine and parameters are fine, i did do a 20% water change yesterday(i did add declorinator) but i do that every week and its never happened before im gutted! on close inspection all 3 dead ones looked very healthy with no signs of disease, any ideas anyone? ph swing maybe?
Hi Suzanne, I am sorry to hear about the deaths. I'm new to keeping an aquarium (also a Fluval Edge) so I'm sure there will be more professional help than mine, but I too had shrimp die through to not being able to moult. I found that adding Genchem Beta-G powder weekly enabled successful moulting and improved their colour/overall health. Sadly I am not experienced enough to know about the fish but I am sure someone will have some advice. I wish you good luck in finding the answer. Warmest wishes - Glenda
thanks glenda for your advice, i do give them food with beta glucan powder in for immune system,and i have bee balls in tank for calcium etc and shedding. it seems to only be the red crystal bee shrimp i had problem with but not with the red cherry shrimp, ive heard that they can be more sensitive than cherries but i got them as i read my water parameters which are slightly on acidic side were more suitable for bee shrimp. the conditions in the pet shop i got the bee shrimp from werent very good to be honest and they werent the healthiest looking, i bought 10 and i think i got one left,(tank is very heavily planted so there could be more i suppose). in the shop they were mixed in tank with fish and quite big water frogs which cant be good(stupid moment of weakness on my part)
i think i know why the endler died i have a tank of just male endlers and the one that died was a yellow one i think they mustve all thought she was a female and just chased her to exhaustion. i have no more deaths since and parameters are always stable, best of luck with the fluval edge, they can be a challenge🙂
Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for yours, I appreciate any help I can get and will watch your posting on the tank with great interest! I agree the Fluval Edge is a challenge indeed but so gorgeous!
Hello Suzanne it seems your question was missed due to maybe new members introduction after your last post before Glenda s post. Sure you get plenty of help from Invert experts if you ask the question again on Inverts if you need further advice.I think your Endler could have been bullied as you say.Male livebearers can be suprisingly aggresive
hi paraguay thanks for your response, yes i had 2 yellow jacket endlers and i notice the one that left is getting harassed now, they dont nip they just constantly chase and flare , i dont know what to do to stop it, the tank is very heavily planted so it could hide if it wanted to but it doesnt
They are similar I think to any other livebearers in that you need to keep them in numbers so that the dominant fish ease the behaviour because they cannot concentrate on any individual.If keeping only males I think at least eight to twelve would be a aim or if like you say they may also "calm" it by a ratio of 3 females to every male.You say your tank is wll planted which helps
yes i know the rule about female to mail ratio but i thought if just got males itd be okay, theres 8 altogether but theyre all different colours maybe if they were all yellow that wouldnt have happened,for now i just have to keep doing head count every day, the one downside to aquascaping a tank is trying to find a dead fish