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Hi From Gloucestershire!


28 Jan 2024
Hi, after lurking for a few weeks, I've taken the plunge and registered :cool::cool: I have kept tropical fish on and off for getting on for 40 years. I started with a pair of terrapins in a 30 inch tank, with some zebra danios, which unsurprisingly didn't last too long! I then had a couple of Japanese fire bellied newts, before moving to fish. It was about this time I worked in Everglades Aquatic Nursery in Baunton, Cirencester, which was just down the road. It was my Saturday job for around a year (75p per hour!).

I saved up and bought a second, 24 inch tank, which ended up in my bedroom, so I converted the 30 inch to a vivarium for lizards and tree frogs. The 24 inch tank survived for years after I had left home, with my Mum and Dad taking care of it. A few years later, I bought another aquarium (Juwel Rekord 90) and had this until it bit the dust around 5 years ago. When I bought the Rekord, my old tank still had one fish left (a gold neon), which was at least 5 years old, so I transferred it to my new tank, where he lasted another 6 or 7 years. Crazy age for a small tetra!

I've just invested in a Juwel Lido 120 to scratch the itch, which has returned with a vengance! I've added the hardscape and water has been in for a couple of days, on a dark cycle. Just need to be patient now...

I look forward to spending plenty of time on here- it's a mine of information. It's amazing how quickly the hobby moves on...
Hi and welcome,
It's got to be around 30 years ago that I used to travel across the country to visit Barry James at Everglades Aquatics, there weren't many aquatic plant shops around at the time.