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Hi all has been almost 5 yrs since ive owned a tank after moving over seas to newzealand. Just completed a 500k trip after finding a low

Early days will be hard to keep my hands out of the tank and just stick to water changes and not move plants lol.


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Decided to make rather tahn buy as i had lots of odds and ends around just had to buy the brass fitting for co2 line, when everything is set ill hook it up and test.


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This will go in once ive got everything else sorted, im still running heater less as the stupid sunsun inline on first plug in started melting waited mths for it too , so now have a hydor inline on order from the US


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Think i went overboard ordering 17kg of dragon stonhe for a 45cm cube


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Nice Journal, those dragon stones you can always keep it will come in handy to always have decoration in hand
Yes we always end up with either multiple tanks or a bigger one.😂 hope i didnt say that out loud ill be in the dog house
It's always good to have extra so you have lots of options, it's so annoying when you done have quite enough/don't have the right pieces to finish it! I have a pile of "extra hardscape" in the garden just in case amongst some ferns 😂
Well after encountering so many issue trying to save money and use mostly what i can find or mod ive decided to give in get some proper soil and start all over again.


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Well. Probably the most annoying thing so far , worse than forgetting i was filling the tank

. This stuff has reduced my filter to a trickle during lights out whilst at work. Did everythiing i could before wood went in soaked for weeks to get it to sink etc. This will sure test me.


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Well tank is picking up after ditching my liquid mix and now dosing dry fert, bit of algae as to be expected but happy with it so far. Just done a moss trim up and water change.


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Too much time away has ended this scape, un unsalvageable. Ive cleaned what i can and more or less thrown stuff back in.
Power outages havent helped in storms, been out 11hrs some days and not being home timers on co2 end up out from the app on light.


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Looks like you not had much luck of late. Hope this improves for you
Thankyou, thats the thing about scaping , tests our patience for sure at times , but i will not give up , ive spent too much already haha.
Aquarium hobby never leaves us completely. Really nice to see many returning to the hobby and UKAPS is proof of that
Well due to neglection and lack of interest in this one im shutting it down soon. Currently building a new set up. 90cmx60cmx40cm. Accumulating scaping stuff in nz is time consuming too specialist for most stores up in the north. Even tracking down materials for cabinet that i can afford is a ball ache. Just as well us scapers like a challenge.20230511_171715.jpg20230511_171707.jpg