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Hi all from Hinckley


20 Feb 2012
Hi there ... I a not exactly a newby but I just realised I Had not introduced mysef. My name is Frederick and I am a very golden oldie and have been keeping fish for about 60 years and wow has the hobby changed..now really high tech.The number of plants and hardware now available is staggering and very hard to get my head around so I am very much struggling.
My tank is a Jewel Vision bow fronted 180 ltr in a cabinet.It is fitted with the Jewel twin lamps,internal filter supplied with CO2 from a DD Co2 unit,very well planted and plenty of fish an external filter.
I will be pleased to communicate with anyone interested.
Take care all.... Frederick :D :D :D
Welcome Frederick! Your'e at the right place for help with anything hi-tech.

I have to ask, what was the aquarium "industry" like 60 years ago, what were the tanks like back in those days?
Hi.... The tanks were glass held together with blue putty (leaked like the clappers) restrickted number of fish,very few plants mainly amazon sward and pond weed (which grew like fury in warm water).. still a very nice hobby. Just returned to the hobby after a 45year break
Hi... the only onees
in this area were.... Shirly aquatics and A5 tropicals... both mainly pond plants... forgot ther tanks had steel frames

Frederick ( email... frederick_littler@ntlworld.com)
Welcome Frederick. I've only been fishkeeping for 40 years, but things have certainly changed a bit. :)
Hi Gary ... where do yo live then...... Frederick
Welcome, Good to know more locals about.
I remember the metal framed/putty tanks.
As you are in Hinckley, do you remember Maher Aquatics from back in the 80's. Was a great place to go, with great prices.