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Hemianthus Micranthemoides


15 Feb 2016
Anyone used this before?

Tropica lists it as advanced, and I gather there's some confusion on the correct nomenclature, glomerus etc.

I got some from k2aqua today and planted in my nano, it has a slow rate of co2 injection so we'll see what comes of it.

I seen MJ Aquascaping use it to great effect, have been consistently impressed with that guys scapes, even moreso the fact he uses DIY co2 for most of it; due to the instability of it.
Yea I have it growing in mine. Grows like a weed. Nice and Bushy, find it very easy to grow, not sure how it would fare with low light/co2 etc. I trim mine back every 3 to 4 weeks normally but left it longer this time to allow it to reach the surface.
Aquarium Gardens have it in their 900 which is where I originally saw it, cracking plant imo.


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It grows like a weed for me too. I find it incredibly easy. I think it likes hard water. Loves CO2, light and fertz though.
It grows like a weed for me too. I find it incredibly easy. I think it likes hard water. Loves CO2, light and fertz though.
Yeah that's what I've found recently, I went through a stage of trying to limit my ferts, chasing the reds on the H'ra etc, but the plants all slowed and looked a little unhappy. Since changing back to full EI the HM has exploded and is happily pearling away after a couple hours.