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Help with water change pump suggestions


26 Sep 2016
Hi All - I've got 2 25 litre storage bottles which have approx 44mm neck width. I can't seem to find a pump which would a) fit inside with a pipe attached and b) lift up the water to approx 1.5m to my tank. I don't want to pour into something else (which is what I'm doing atm) to pump in or raise the containers either.

What are my options? An external mini pump with an inlet and an outlet attached to a pipe would need priming so that doesnt work unless someone has a good technique?

Hi all. I have bought a 47l mixing bucket. My intention was to fill with tapwater, declorinate and then pump into the tank. I bought an AQQA AQ077 submersible water pump, rated at 40w, 600l per hour, with a height lift of 1m. Result on attempting to pump the water into the tank was an almost non existant dribble. The actual height to the tank lip is approx 1.2m. Is the pump faulty, or do I need something more powerful ???
AQQA AQ077 submersible water pump, rated at 40w, 600l per hour, with a height lift of 1m
You need something more powerful to lift water that high. Normally I would suggest putting the bucket on a chair to solve the issue but 47l bucket is most likely too big for a chair. If you have a spare folding table that might work.
On Amazon UK feedback is poor and many people report the same problem. AQQA state that the 40W model should have a "high lift of 2.8m, and a flow rate of 2500L/H". Have you checked that the control valve is set on maximum? The Newa Maxijet 1000 is a dry/wet pump that will reach 1.5 metres and has stood the test of time. Thank for posting about this - I am building a contraption for water changes too and looked at these.
You need something more powerful to lift water that high. Normally I would suggest putting the bucket on a chair to solve the issue but 47l bucket is most likely too big for a chair. If you have a spare folding table that might work.
Thanks for the tip, but I want to keep water changes as simple and equipment poor as possible. I will go for the pump recommended above by Simon 👍
Actually, after reading the other responses, I am a bit confused now as to which model you have @Mikewol ? The 600l/h one, which I based my answer on, would not be up to the task, but if you indeed have the 40W (2500l/h) model it should be OK for that kind of lift if not faulty?
Just ran across this and I wonder if you’d considered a transfer pump?

They’re more expensive than the smaller submersible types but I think they would allow you to pump out the bottle with the narrow neck, or a bucket, a tank, whatever you like.

The water passes through them from one side to the other. They are never submersed. There are two connections for hose - intake & output.

The intake hose can be a couple of metres long and so it can be used in a narrow neck bottle.

Most of these pumps seem to need priming - a little water poured into them first so the impeller doesn’t start dry.

I got the one at the link below because I’m going to be dealing with a 60 gallon breeder - around 225 litres, that’s only a few inches above the floor.

I have a submersible pump I have been using for the tank it is replacing, which is half the size, but it’s too slow, so I decided to invest in this pump.

This type of pump can be used to pump out a swimming pool so I’m fairly sure pumping out a big bucket or a bottle with a skinny neck wouldn’t be a problem.

Might be worth looking into.
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