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Help with scaping


20 Jul 2009
Have a new tank coming in two weeks – got everything sorted apart from the hardscape and plants. Tank is 58” x 20” x 30” deep. Saw some nice wood in lfs but it was £50.00. Got these rocks from local stone merchant for £5.00 but not sure how they will look , I need to introduce some wood as have a couple of large bristle noses.
Dont want anything too ‘spiky’ in case my discus hurt themselves on it....

Also does anyone have an opinions on the planted 'collections' available - (botanic garden)
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please dont take this the wrong way, but if it were me i wouldnt use thouse stones, i feel they lack texture, something like mini landscape rocks from ae or tgm's blue stone adds that extra detail and really makes the scape look professional- just my thoughts

changed my mind and bought some redmore wood - thinking about giving stones a miss completely