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Help with plants

I have an aquarium controller (profilux 2) lying around. Will hook up the conductivity probe tp see how things are.
Unfortunately the controller does not have a built in Webserver to help out

I'll get some floating ones.

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A bit of an update
1. Cleaned out my FX5
2. Took the UV offline
3. Cleaned the Fluval 104 and added some purigen
Continuing with dosing
Did 2x 50% water change
Added a few plants. I have good growth but their leaves are not dark green, looks a bit yellowish to me.

I'm still awaiting my online co2 injector/diffuser. I tried to use the fluval 104 as a co2 reactor but it was very noisy.
Once these starts to catch on, I'll try to cover up the wood and rocks with moss

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