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12 Jul 2008
welling kent..
hey, just after some advice , i just bought a 18"-10"-10" (inch) clearseal tank and i want it to be an open tank design and under the hood there are these to thin pieces of glass attached on the inside of the aquarium on the front and back walls....my question is are these necessary and can i remove them..is there a reason for them being there???? they do look a bit ugly due to clearseal are messy with the mastic gun..
advice and comments welcome...especially those with experience who have already removed the glass bits.
Hiya, i'd whip them off. Be careful though, just take it slow.

Some people will advise against it but if it were my tank then i'd have them straight off.

It's your call 😉
righty o.... already removed the first one... on the front ..just now trying to get the mastic off..clearseal are so messy i know there cheap but still..theres flipping mastic everywhere....lol
cheers for advice
Intend to leave mine on to be used as bracing for a sheet of perspex to act as a condensation guard. Guess they are a bit ugly though.