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Help White spot (Dosing update)

Re: Help White spot

Tom said:
The usual idea of raising the temperature is to speed up the life cycle of the parasite. Do it during treatment, as if I remember right, the treatments only affect the whitespot during one stage of the cycle. I can't believe how much I can forget about disease in 2 years of not studying!!

Yes i have just read about the life cycle of the parasite,so i just have to decide which treatment to use,so bloody annoying in 30 odd years of fish keeping this is only the second time i have ever had white spot,

Re: Help White spot

nelson said:
eSHa exit has been suggested on LFKC.

Hi yes i noticed that mentioned too,new one on me though but it does sound like a good one,

cheers john.
Re: Help White spot

You welcome, John! 😀

Nystatin can be found under different names in the EU:Infestat, Korostatin, Mycostatin, Mykinac, Nilstat, Nysert, Nystalocal, Nystamont, Nystan, Nystatin, Nystex, Nystop.

This is a product offered by Seachem for treatment of Ichthyophthirius:http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/Metronidazole.html
Re: Help White spot

Metronidazole is used for saltwater ich, not sure about freshwater ich.
Nystatin is an antifungal so not certain of its usefulness but still looking into that.

fenbendazole has potential - I have seen it described as being used with shrimp to clear planaria etc - BUT - I'm still looking into that.

John if your fish and shrimp can tolerate it start the 90F for 24 hrs, 70F fpr 48 cycle. At least it will start eliminating all new infection. We might find a safe chemical treatment yet.
Re: Help White spot

tyrophagus said:
Metronidazole is used for saltwater ich, not sure about freshwater ich.
Nystatin is an antifungal so not certain of its usefulness but still looking into that.

fenbendazole has potential - I have seen it described as being used with shrimp to clear planaria etc - BUT - I'm still looking into that.

John if your fish and shrimp can tolerate it start the 90F for 24 hrs, 70F fpr 48 cycle. At least it will start eliminating all new infection. We might find a safe chemical treatment yet.

The fish i have in my tank wont stand such a high temperature,i will give Edward a ring this morning at Aquajardin,he,s pretty good and it would be an excuse to pop down there,

thanks all for taking the time to try and help me,i didn,t think it would be so hard in this day and age to find something safe for shrimp & plants 🙄

Re: Help White spot

Right i have done some more research and some ringing around (aquajardin) and after looking on the website of the firm who make ESHA EXIT,it is safe with plants and shrimp,i also googled it and there is some good positive feedback on its use in planted tanks,so i am off down to aquajardin to fetch some,

i will post up the results when i have used it,

Re: Help White spot

I simple method would be to get a small internal UV filter, that should sort out the free floating stage and its 100% plant, fish and invert safe 🙂 I tend to keep one in the loft just in case. Perfect for green water out breaks too. You can get cheap ones on ebay just search 'internal UV'

If you don't want to wait I could lend you mine?

I am on the third and final day of dosing Esha Exit,i can only see one fish from the five that were infected,it just has a couple of white spots,i can report no shrimp loss that i can see,so all in all Esha Exit is safe to dose with cherry shrimp, :thumbup:
