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HELP! very small white things on glass??

Hi, the pics look like paramecium, good food for fry, as suggested prior these things can get transmitted by air-borne means but usually if you are doing so many water changes they wouldnt like the conditions, it likes dirty tanks with plenty of detritus. Flourish Excel should kill it off (Glutaraldehyde is used as an antiseptic).
I use it a food for fry and rear it, a couple of drops of milk a week in a bottle keeps it going.
alternatively get some fish in the tank, they will eat it if you dont feed them.

Hope that helps,


I hope you dont mind but i think your over worrying it, all of our tanks have all manner of living things. As long as they are not a threat, they are not a problem. As others mentioned the minute you introduce fish. They will enjoy them as a tasty snack.

Most of my tanks over the years have had all manner of these type of things with no problem at all.
Normally you wouldnt see them as they would live in the gravel feeding on detrius etc and avoiding being eaten by your fish.
You want to try marine, the live rock brings all types of desirable and non desirable things. A great example was one chap got some live rock with a mantis shrimp inside it, they are capable of breaking fingers and glass!Madness! :crazy: :thumbup:

So dont worry no need to restart, these things get it into tanks in many different ways, its all part of the environment put some fish in when your ready and it will no longer be a problem.

Best Regards
cheers again all, I'm going to carry on as normal and see what happens.
I'm starting up a new small planted tank for the kitchen while the other one gets settled and under control!
I'm going to do a totally different tank setup this time so it keeps me busy lol.
thanks again to all, its nice to know that there are some nice people out there that want to help people, you never know i might be answering questions on here in years to come!!! haha.
not meaning to change the subject but has anyone ever used underworld aquagrit? my brother has gave me a large tub full of this when he brought to much from seapets for his new osaka 155(which I'm going to steal of him when hes away haha)
cheers all
chris :thumbup: