I have a beautiful shallow 4ftx4ftx1ft high tank which I want to use to create an ermergent scape/paludarium.
After lots of research I ordered a chihiros a1201 with the intention of getting another if it worked out. However Hinterfelds have refunded my purchase without an explanation - have they gone bust?
I’m now stuck in that I’ve no idea what to buy instead! Please help? What would be a reasonably priced method of lighting this? I can only spend £200 on lights but don’t want to grow anything with high light requirements.
After lots of research I ordered a chihiros a1201 with the intention of getting another if it worked out. However Hinterfelds have refunded my purchase without an explanation - have they gone bust?
I’m now stuck in that I’ve no idea what to buy instead! Please help? What would be a reasonably priced method of lighting this? I can only spend £200 on lights but don’t want to grow anything with high light requirements.