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help, lilly is going glassy


2 Apr 2008
some of my leaves on my lilly (i dont know its name but ill et a link with a picture of it) are going glassy, instead of the usual brown colour, its all blacky grey and it looks mushy (sorry about the description 😳 )
i dose my diy version of tpn+ weekly and that is about 60ml.

please help


i got a pic of it

on another leaf it is like that but a lot darker hence the blacky grey

hope that helps

More data regarding your tank configuration would help. On the surface the initial analysis is low CO2, but if you are only dosing once a week this implies a non-CO2 tank. Not sure how to troubleshoot unless we clarify the nature of the beast.

i do have co2 but its diy and my drop checker is always a greeny blue (im going to try to persuade my dad to let me have pressurised)
Well, Dad should read this post and be aware that the drop checker needs to be in the green/yellow zone and can best be achieved by a pressurized system without the mess, smell and instability of yeast based systems.

CO2 injected tanks also have a higher nutrient demand so that it is possible that low nutrient concentration by the end of the dosing cycle has contributed to the lily's poor health. You may wish to consider dosing more frequently, but for the moment just add more CO2.
