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I've seen some brilliant ones from breeders, juts the run of the mill ones in shops don't do much for me.
nayr88 said:
I've seen some brilliant ones from breeders, juts the run of the mill ones in shops don't do much for me.

when I got my first batch somewhat 8 years ago, they were all beutiful, colourful, and so on, I havent bought a guppy since, lost loads, but they keep their populations up and maintain numbers themselves. They all are brown now bar a few pale ones :shock:
Garuf said:
Yup, pretty much damn near impossible but they're much nicer fish. 😉

Altums aint even as hard to keep as discus far less fussy. Near impossible to breed tho in captivity. All they need is a big deep tank and good water
There's some german produced hybrids I've very excited about (rumour has it they're actually a naturally occuring hybrid) either way, they're supposed to be stunning, and from the pictures as good as impossible to tell apart from p. scalare on body shape alone.
Garuf said:
There's some german produced hybrids I've very excited about (rumour has it they're actually a naturally occuring hybrid) either way, they're supposed to be stunning, and from the pictures as good as impossible to tell apart from p. scalare on body shape alone.
any pics?
I'll see what I can do, i've only seen them in tropical fish hobbyist magazine.
I've been given a red beta a couple of guppies as a present when I was at the uni. I liked and kept the fish for a long time but was a bit upset because I was planning to get different species.

Betta and guppies!! Must of been a calm betta, I've had trouble keeping mine with anything his just to violent. A black hmpk 🙂

Any shopworker that would let someone walk in and buy in one purchase a betta and a few male guppies should slapped! Haha
That's what you get when you don't get to pick the fish yourself.

I agree with you but I think that some/many shopworkers are not that knowledgable about aquariums, or at least, they evaluate what you know and advice you accordingly - sometimes wrongly unfortunately.

In my case I suppose I was lucky - the betta was actually quite a pacific fella.
Garuf said:
There's some german produced hybrids I've very excited about (rumour has it they're actually a naturally occuring hybrid) either way, they're supposed to be stunning, and from the pictures as good as impossible to tell apart from p. scalare on body shape alone.

Tony tan is captive breeding some stunning ones he's labled them as altums but they rant they are one of the others supposedly. Still stunning tho and £30 for a nearly adult sized one I'd have some if I had room in with me discus
Leopoldii maybe? They're sometimes called long nose altums. Do you have a link for them?