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New Member
13 Jun 2024
Hi Everyone.
Had tropical fish for around 7yrs, South American blackwater biotope type (had a couple of fish that were leftover from previous tanks so couldn’t call it a proper biotope).
Moved house last year and have had nothing but issues every time I change water, finally spoke to someone who suggested chloramine as the issue and pointed me to this forum.
Sadly it might be too little too late as I did a water change yesterday and added a water conditioner that deals with chloramine and this am all but 4 of my fish are dead. Tested ammonia 0 and pH 6, nitrates and nitrites are 0 too. So absolutely stumped. What has helped in the past is bicarb of soda so added some this am before had to leave for work. Have everything crossed the fish are still alive tonight when I get home.
Got in touch with the local water company who have sent me copies of their latest water test to look at tonight too.
Absolutely stumped as this is a 7yr old tank with fish that were 7yrs old in the main and didn’t have any issues in the previous area we lived.
Sad day. Hoping I’ll be able to track down the issue with the help of some people on here. The alternative… I’m going to have to give up my fish tank 🙁