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Hello from Sweden!


25 Aug 2021
Hello everyone! I have been following the forum for a couple of years now, so it feels like it's time to try and make some contributions myself. I'm a Swedish student currently working on a master in ecology and conservation biology, so pardon in advance for any odd word choices (the penalty of getting much of ones English from scientific literature). Over here the aquascaping hobby is pretty dead outside of the bigger cities, with my nearest pet-shop carrying fish about 100km away, and double that if I want anything besides the most basic, so I usually try to make do with what I have at hand and diy the rest. I will try to post a journal on what I'm working on at the moment, but for now some photos from related hobbies is all I have to present.
Over here the aquascaping hobby is pretty dead outside of the bigger cities, with my nearest pet-shop carrying fish about 100km away, and double that if I want anything besides the most basic, so I usually try to make do with what I have at hand and diy the rest. I will try to post a journal on what I'm working on at the moment, but for now some photos from related hobbies is all I have to present.
You probably already know this, and I'm not sure how far west or north you are, but there is a really nice shop in Bromma Akvarielagret | Sveriges största akvariebutik Traffic is horrible as it's in the vicinity of Bromma Airport, and there is only one perimeter road, but it's worth a long trip as they are well stocked, both fish and plants. Maybe they will be willing to ship to your location. Since you are in the EU Amazon Germany and flea-bay Germany are also options.

You probably already know this, and I'm not sure how far west or north you are, but there is a really nice shop in Bromma Akvarielagret | Sveriges största akvariebutik Traffic is horrible as it's in the vicinity of Bromma Airport, and there is only one perimeter road, but it's worth a long trip as they are well stocked, both fish and plants. Maybe they will be willing to ship to your location. Since you are in the EU Amazon Germany and flea-bay Germany are also options.

Yes we try to make at least a yearly trip to Akvarielagret, to stock up on fertilizer and similar as well as look for more interesting livestock. It usually turns into a long day, with about 3 hours driving just to get there, but it's always worth it in the end. I have ordered some gear a few times, and plants once, although the Swedish postal system is way too unreliable for me to trust them with any animals (and barely plants) so I generally save anything not needed immediately for the yearly trip. It's annoying at times to not have access to even pretty basic stuff (like frozen fish food), but it teaches you to be resourceful and use what you can, and I'm not sure how my wallet would like me living right next to Akvarielagret 😉