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Hello from Roumanie


2 Jan 2011
Roumania, Bucharest
I read with pleasure for some time articles and journals on this forum and I had a lot to learn and still hope to learn from the most experienced among you.

I have this hobby for a long time and after I changed several aquariums, fish and plants, I got hold of a tank of 47 gallons, pressurized CO2 without controller, external filter (950 lt / h) and HQI 150W 6500K .

From the beginning I want to apologize for my mistakes in writing.

I've attached a picture (not a very successful one) of my aquarium started 3 days ago

Hello and welcome to the forum! i look forward to seeing some updates of this journal over the coming months.
Hi and welcome the the forum a.aurel 🙂

Thanks for posting the pic of your tank, this is always appreciated and nice to see

Perhaps you could also post in the journal section - this is where you could tell us more about the spec of your tank and post updated pictures as the plants / project matures

Enjoy the forum 🙂
Nice looking tanks 🙂 welcome aboard and look forward to a new journal 🙂