Forgot to mention that I've reduced my CO2 and lighting times by 1 hour for the last few weeks to see if that help, I've also replaced my T5 light today, since I think they were well over a year and a 1/2 old.
I've cut down my rosefolia and moved it to the front of the tank ... 008111.jpg
Only thing I'm worried about is that this will only be a temporary solution and that i will be in an endless cycle of moving the plant around. Since I'm off work today, I'm going to try slowly increasing CO2, but I'm wondering If I'm just not meeting the requirments off the plant, I don't know how to get more flow to it, while it's at the back of the tank. Also after reading a few websites, I'm worried that I'm not meeting it's lighting requirements, some are saying 2-4 WPG, when I'm only achieving about 1.7WPG.
I don't want to give up on this plant, but I'm starting to wonder if I should look for an easier subsitute.
He's some of the algae ... 008112.jpg
Admitidly things are getting better, but how many weeks do changes need to take affect, how long should I leave it before I try upping my dosing etc?
1 last question about fish.
I'm slowly starting to repopulate the tank, at the moment I have
8 x Cardinal Tetra
3 x Cories
2 x Ottos
1 x Bristlenose catfish
I want to add another 3 cories and from what I've read I need to add more otto's, was thinking of adding another 3. But I wanted to know if I still had room for some sort of "centre piece" fish, I used to have a dwarf gourami, but he was a bit of a bully around feeding time. I was looking at Kribs, but heard they can be territorial.