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Have you seen a Crypt with only tall stems?


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa

I have a plant that I thought it was a crypt, it just turned out on my tank after I started to dose EI.

It has three long stems with a single leaf on the end, each stem is now close to 50cm.

Have you seen anything like it?

What sort of plant is this?

The stems grow very fast, in two days they reach the top of the tank, and the leaf sits on top.



Any help is appreciated.
That looks like a lily of some sort to me? From the pictures, it looks like the leaf is set to roll open and flat, like a lily pad. I might be totally wrong though. Can you remember what the root/rhizome looked like? I believe lily's tend to be bulbs, but again I could be wrong :)
SteveUK said:
That looks like a lily of some sort to me? From the pictures, it looks like the leaf is set to roll open and flat, like a lily pad. I might be totally wrong though. Can you remember what the root/rhizome looked like? I believe lily's tend to be bulbs, but again I could be wrong :)

Thanks Steve,

The root is a long small tub, like a small carrot.

It may be a Aponogeton, the leaves will look like this when they reach the top, but no flower yet:

The plant indeed grows fast, much faster than any lily I had. A stem will reach the top of the tank in less than two days, that is about 25cm a day.
yes.. like on a Lilly.

I will now look for more Apogoneton's, would love to have a jungle of these petioles with fish swimming around.

As I am now getting around 190W of power over my 120L, this will be amazing, as it will offer some cover to the fish.

About green fingers I am not so sure, :) , I just really like aquatic plants. The wife wished I would spend as much time and effort on the garden as I do on my tank.. :D
Ok, now a leaf apeared submerged.

It just gets more weird this plant of mine..

Submerged leaf (you can see next to it another petiole forming):


Tall leaves, on petioles:
Lots more, but now the flower stem looks like a lily, it is just green, but it should open soon..

An amazing plant it is.. a sort of Aponogeton, I think that it it Aponogeton natans, as the leaves and flower stem look like this:

I am very happy, as to have a flower on the tank was always one of my dreams..
I had a aponogeton flower in my old 18x12x12, I ended up cutting it off because it smelt like rotting meat. You have no idea how vile it was.
Garuf said:
I had a aponogeton flower in my old 18x12x12, I ended up cutting it off because it smelt like rotting meat. You have no idea how vile it was.

A flower is a flower .. :) Will still adore it, even if it smell funny, which I hope it doesn't..:D

Invested a lot of time to get a flower, however I expected the amazon's to have it first, not this plant.

The ruby amazons have got a long hard stick, probably to grow plantlets, but it would be cool to have those flower as well.

Here is the flower stem, should open soon:
Hi all,
Luis definitely looks to be Aponogeton flower, the scape from the "flowering" Echinodorus may well have both flowers and plantlets. I had one recently which had plantlets at the lower nodes and flowers at the top.
cheers Darrel