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Harlequin CO2 Sensitivity


18 Mar 2010
Castleford, West Yorks.
Hello all,
Ive got both Harlequin and Mosquito Rasboras in my tank and i'm having a bit of trouble with my co2 levels. It seems to take very little CO2 for the Harlequins to move to the surface, even when the mosquitos and shrimp are fine. Is it just them irritating me or has anyone else experienced this?
I had 6. one died right away, 2 jumped, one got done by the silver tips and after that the two that left didnt take long to check out.

I dunno, i didnt really see them gasp at the surface but then again when my rummys start feeling the co2 they hug the substrate and gasp.
my Harlequins were always the first fish gasping at the surface when i over did the co2.
My 160L tank had a bubble rate of 2-3bps going through a reactor and I never had this problem. I don't have 4dKH water so I don't test for CO2.
I lost some too. Not sure where problem, but gasping with 15-20ppm same as with 30-35 co2.
No any ph drops or big swings. I read they are quite sensitive to sudden changes, but i haven't suden changes at all.
Also all other water parameters ok + a lot diferent other species looks ok , no any problems.
I have calibrated ph meter and proper dropchecker with kh4 and br. blue solutions.
I read about this fish is sensitive to electrical possibly somwhere some statistical electric or leak from some filter, powerhead, heater.
Where is problem i don't know too. Maybe food, maybe distresed - my childrens very loud 🙂.