Laides and gentlemen...
My first attempt at a trial aquascape for my Juwel Vision 180 and would appreciate people's thoughts and opinions.
I'm trying to work on wood and rocks to create a two tired area to mix up the small/carpet plants with the larger leaves being in the middle of the rocks/wood etc etc.
Plus I really need to have wood to provide for my BN Plec or (if I decide to trade) a group of Ottos.
I've marked out the layout of my tank in the kitchen, played around with the rocks and wood to create the picture below.
The idea for what I've done is this...
The wood would provide a place for my catfish to rest/hide. The ferns that I'm planning on putting on the "branches" of the trees would provide an over hang on the rocks to the far left.
Then there's the overhang provided by the largest rock.
The gravel will be higher around the wood and thats why I've lifted it up on a box.
I've put eveyrthing on the left so that nothing blocks the internal filter on the right and provides swimming space for the fish.
My first attempt at a trial aquascape for my Juwel Vision 180 and would appreciate people's thoughts and opinions.
I'm trying to work on wood and rocks to create a two tired area to mix up the small/carpet plants with the larger leaves being in the middle of the rocks/wood etc etc.
Plus I really need to have wood to provide for my BN Plec or (if I decide to trade) a group of Ottos.
I've marked out the layout of my tank in the kitchen, played around with the rocks and wood to create the picture below.
The idea for what I've done is this...
The wood would provide a place for my catfish to rest/hide. The ferns that I'm planning on putting on the "branches" of the trees would provide an over hang on the rocks to the far left.
Then there's the overhang provided by the largest rock.
The gravel will be higher around the wood and thats why I've lifted it up on a box.
I've put eveyrthing on the left so that nothing blocks the internal filter on the right and provides swimming space for the fish.