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Guide to choosing the right needle valve for precise control of CO2

Marcel G

6 Dec 2024
Czech Republic
Acknowledgements: In writing this article I was inspired by a post by @Bettatail on the PlantedTank.net forum, to whom I would like to thank.

Calculating flow rate


What valve (flow rate) do I need?

At flow rate of 30 bubbles (Ø 4 mm) per minute, you add 1 mℓ of CO2 gas per minute [to your aquarium], i.e. 60 mℓ (= 0.06 ℓ) per hour.

Volume of 1 bubble (BV) = ⅙ * π * d³ = ⅙ * 3.14 * 43 = 0.166 * 3.1416 * 64 = 33.4 mm³
d = diameter of 1 bubble (in mm) ← you have to measure or estimate this [using a photo where you capture the bubble near the ruler]
Volume of 30 bubbles = BV * 30 = 33.4 * 30 = 1,002 mm3 = 1 mℓ

If you want to increase the amount of CO2 [say] from 1 mℓ to 2 mℓ per minute (i.e. from 30 bubbles to 60), then your needle valve must be able to increase the amount of flowing gas by just 1 mℓ per minute [using the smallest possible turn of the control knob (valve handle)].

Assuming that the smallest possible turn of the control knob is 1/20 of a full turn (which is a really tiny turn), you will add about 20 mℓ of gas to the aquarium after one complete turn of the control knob (360°). If the maximum number of turns of the needle valve is [say] 20, then if you open it fully [from 0 to 20, i.e. from closed to fully open], you will achieve a flow of about 400 mℓ (= 0.4 ℓ) of gas per minute.

Thus, if you want to be able to regulate the gas flow smoothly, in increments of say 1 mℓ per minute (i.e. 30 bubbles per minute = ½ bubble per second), then you need a valve with a maximum flow of ~0.5 ℓ/min.

If you have the outlet pressure on the CO2 cylinder (= pressure after the pressure reducing valve) set to 45 psi (3.1 bar), then you need a needle valve with a flow coefficient (Cv) of approximately 0.001. At an outlet pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) you need a valve with a flow coefficient of about 0.0024.

Model graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Hoke Milli-mite 1300 series valve):

At an inlet pressure of 45 psi:

As you can see (in the above picture for 45 psi), each full turn of the handle of this valve represents an increase in flow of about ~0.6 ℓ/min (except for the very first turn). A 1/20 turn (18°) [which corresponds to one part on the vernier scale] represents a change in flow of ~0.03 ℓ/min (= 3 mℓ/min). So turning the handle one tick (part) on the vernier scale changes the flow rate by 3 mℓ/min, which corresponds to 90 bubbles per minute (= 1.5 b/s).

Hoke Milli-mite 1335 needle valve with black vernier scale handle with twenty ticks (marks) ↓



Flow (ℓ/min):


Basic terms
  • Orifice size: the smaller the better (most valves have an orifice of around 1 mm)
  • Flow coefficient (Cv):the smaller the better
    • flow coefficient of most valves is linear increase proportional to the number of turns to full open
  • Flow (Q):ideally below 1 ℓ/min [at full open] (or at least in units of litres per minute)
    • Note: All flow rate data for individual valves corresponds to an inlet pressure of 45 psi.
  • Turns to full open: the more the better (most valves have 10-20)
Comparison chart



A number of excellent and very good valves can be found on eBay for a decent price. [P.S. Although sometimes vendors offer a valve at an exorbitant price, I recommend bargaining with them offering a lower price (e.g. $50-90) for the valve. Some will accept it without any problem.] The most common valves you can find there are:
  • Hoke Micromite 1600 series
  • Hoke Milli-mite 1300 series
  • Whitey 21/22 series
  • Swagelok S series
New valves of these brands [and models] are also relatively affordable:
  • Aalborg MFV (VM1/VM2)
  • Ideal valve 52/54-1
  • Ham-Let HXF 1300 series (1°)
To be continued ...
Excellent & very good (low flow) metering valves

There are certainly a number of fine needle valves available on eBay (and elsewhere) that are not listed here. The reason is that I have been unable to find technical documentation for them, or at least data on their orifice size (or flow rate) and number of turns to full open. If anyone knows of any other good (maybe even older, now officially no longer sold) needle valves and would be willing to share it, he can post it here.


S series (1.9 ℓ/min)

Swagelok SS-SS2-VH
  • Web: swagelok.com
  • Part number: SS(B)-SS*, SS(B)-SM*
  • Orifice: 0.032" (0.8 mm)
  • Cv: 0.004
  • Turns to full open: 10
  • Price:
    • official: $400-700?
    • ebay: usually $150-200
  • PDF: swagelok---s-m-31.pdf
  • Thread: male/female NPT, Swagelok tube fittings, male VCR fittings
    • VCR is a special connector to which the hose/tubing can be attached (so you don't have to buy any additional connector)
  • Shut-off capability: no
    • The handle stop is set at 4-10 mℓ/min with 15 psi inlet pressure. Adjusting stop to lower flow setting can damage valve and stem tip!
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Swagelok S series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:


Flow (at 20 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute
Swagelok (Whitey)

21/22 series (3 ℓ/min)

Whitey B-22RF4

  • Web: discontinued
  • Part number: -21???-, -22???-
  • Orifice: 0.02" (0.5 mm)
    • there are two versions (21 vs 22?), different by orifice size, the large orifice size older version is not accurate at low flow
  • Cv: 0.007
  • Turns to full open: 8
  • Note: These are the mystery discontinued Whitey precision low flow control valves.
  • Price:
    • official: not sold anymore
    • ebay: usually $150-200 (under $65 if you're lucky)
  • PDF: unavailable
  • Thread: male/female NPT (?) or UNF (gyrolok)
  • Shut-off capability: unknown
Graph missing …
Flow table missing …
  • Flow (at full open): ~3.3 ℓ/min
To be continued ...
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Milli-mite 1300 series (4.7 to 11 ℓ/min)

Hoke 1335M4B

  • Web: hoke.com, circlevalve.com
  • Part number:
    • 1° stem: 1335*, 1345*
    • 3° stem: 1315*, 1325*
  • Orifice: 0.047" (1.2 mm)
  • Cv:
    • 1° stem = 0.010
    • 3° stem = 0.024
  • Turns to full open: 18
  • Price:
    • official: $340 (?)
    • ebay: usually $150+ (under $75 if you're lucky)
  • PDF: hoke---metering-valves.pdf
  • Thread: UNF (gyrolok), NPT
    • gyrolok is a special connector to which the hose/tubing can be attached (so you don't have to buy any additional connector)
  • Shut-off capability: unknown
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Hoke Milli-mite 1300 series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:

Flow (at 20 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute
Micromite 1600 series (0.4 ℓ/min)

↑ Hoke 1654002 (1/4" OD to 1/4" UNF)

  • Web: hoke.com
  • Part number: 1654*, 1656*, 1666*
  • Orifice: 0.031" (0.79 mm)
  • Cv: 0.0008
  • Turns to full open: 18
  • Price:
    • official: $600-700 (?)
    • ebay: usually $300+ (under $100 if you're lucky)
  • PDF: hoke---metering-valves.pdf
  • Thread: UNF (gyrolok), NPT
    • gyrolok is a special connector to which the hose/tubing can be attached (so you don't have to buy any additional connector)
    • 1737875943644.png
    • ↑ Hoke 1654002 (6 mm OD to 1/4" UNF)
  • Shut-off capability: no
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Hoke Micromite 1600 series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:


Flow (at 20 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute
To be continued ...
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Parker Hannifin

HR series (2 to 10 ℓ/min)

Parker Hannifin N & HR series

  • Web: parker.com
  • Part number:
    • type 3: -H3?--- (orifice: 0.44 mm, Cv: 0.021)
    • type 2: -H2?--- (orifice: 0.37 mm, Cv: 0.014)
    • type 1: -H1?--- (orifice: 0.26 mm, Cv: 0.007)
    • type 0: -H0?--- (orifice: 0.04 mm, Cv: 0.004)
    • Note: There is a discrepancy in the technical documentation between the data on page 8 (Cv for H0 = 0.00034) and its graphical representation on page 11 (Cv for HR0 = 0.004). In response to an enquiry to the manufacturer, I was told that the correct Cv value for H0 is 0.00034 (so the graphs in the documentation do not reflect reality).
  • Flow (at full open): ~1.9, ~3.3, ~6.6 and ~10 ℓ/min
  • Turns to full open: 15 (±1)
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: parker---n+hr-series.pdf
  • Thread: NPT?(some models with a-lok connections)
    • a-lok is a special connector to which the hose/tubing can be attached (so you don't have to buy any additional connector)
  • Shut-off capability: yes
    • Most valves cannot be completely closed so that absolutely no gas flows through them. This valve allows complete shut-off = zero flow.
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Parker Hannifin HR series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:


Flow (at 20 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute

HXF 1300 series (1° stem) (2 ℓ/min)

Ham-Let HXF1380-SS-GL-1/4-S-EP-V

  • Web: ham-let.com
  • Part number: HXF13??--
  • Orifice: 0.03" (0.8 mm)
  • Cv: 0.004
  • Turns to full open: 11
  • Price:
    • official: $160-230 (?)
    • ebay: rare item (under $50 if you're lucky)
  • PDF: ham-let---h1300.pdf
  • Thread: NPT?(most models with let-lok connections)
    • let-lok is a special connector to which the hose/tubing can be attached (so you don't have to buy any additional connector)
  • Shut-off capability: no
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Ham-Let HXF 1300 series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:


Flow (at 20 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute
To be continued ...
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PUN/UN/DUN series (7 to 2 ℓ/min)

  • Web: fujikin.co.jp
  • Part number:
    • UN-14M*, UN-34M*, UN-94M*, UN-04M*
      • Cv = 0.015 or 0.03 (at 14 turn full open)
    • DUN-32PGA
      • Cv = 0.015 (at 11 turn full open)
    • PUN-913P-6.35
      • Cv = 0.004 (at 11 turn full open)
  • Flow (at full open): ~1.9 and ~7.1 ℓ/min
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: fujikin---pun-un-dun(japanese).pdf
  • Thread: ?
  • Shut-off capability: unknown
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Fujikin UN series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:

In progress …


Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Fujikin DUN series valve) at an inlet pressure of 20 & 45 psi:

In progress …


Brooks instrument

NRS series (8, 3 or 0.2 ℓ/min)

Brooks instrument 8513 (with digital turner handle)

  • Web: brooksinstrument.com
  • Part number (models): 8503/8504, 8513/8514
  • Orifice: n/a
  • Cv:
    • type 5: 0.017
    • type 4: 0.006
    • type 3: 0.0015
    • type 2: 0.0009
    • type 1: 0.0004
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: brooks---nrs.pdf
  • Thread: female NPT
  • Shut-off capability: yes
    • bubble tight shut-off
Graph missing …
Flow table missing …
  • Flow (at full open): ~0.2, ~0.4, ~0.7, ~2.8 and ~8 ℓ/min
To be continued ...

CMV series (0.02 ℓ/min)

Chell instruments CMV-VFM-1-P-22
  • Part number:
    • CMV(S)-?FM-1-* (ultra fine flow = 0-20 sccm)
    • CMV(S)-?FM-2-* (fine flow = 0-1000 sccm)
    • CMV(S)-?FM-3-* (medium flow = 0-3000 sccm)
  • Orifice: n/a
  • Cv: n/a
  • Flow (at 1 bar = ~15 psi):
    • 1st turn = 0.1 sccm (mℓ/min) = 3 bubbles per minute (bpm)
    • 5th turn = 1.0 sccm (mℓ/min) = 30 bpm
    • 7th turn = 2.0 sccm (mℓ/min) = 60 bpm
    • 20th turn (full open) = 20 sccm (mℓ/min) = 600 bpm = 10 bps
  • Price:
    • official: $670-700 (?)
    • ebay: ~$200
  • PDF:
  • Thread:
    • 1/16", 1/8", 1/4" or 6mm compression fittings
    • KF-10 vaccum fittings
    • welded VCR fittings
      • VCR is a special connector to which the hose/tubing can be attached (so you don't have to buy any additional connector)
  • Shut-off capability: yes
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Chell CMV series valve ultra fine flow) at an inlet pressure of 15 psi:


Flow (at 15 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute

MFV Barstock valves (0.2 ℓ/min)

  • Web: aalborg.com
  • Part number:
    • VM1-BB-, VM1-SV- (Cv: 0.0005)
    • VM2-BB-, VM2-SV- (Cv: 0.001)
  • Orifice: 0.042" (1.1 mm)
  • Price:
    • official: $130
    • ebay: [not offered]
  • PDF: aalborg---mfv.pdf
  • Shut-off capability: yes
    • bubble tight shut-off
Graph missing …
Flow table missing …
  • Flow (at full open): ~0.2 and ~0.5 ℓ/min
    • according to the technical documentation: 6 and 12 mℓ/min (but that was calculated at different inlet pressure than other valves)
To be continued ...
Good (medium flow) needle valves


2300 series [1° angle stem] (6 ℓ/min)

Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Hoke 2300 series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~5.7 ℓ/min

Ideal valve

52/54-1 series (9 ℓ/min)

Ideal valve P52-1-11

Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Ideal valve 52/54 series valve):



Flow (at full open): ~9 ℓ/min

To be continued ...
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Swagelok (Nupro)

BM series [belows sealed] (9 ℓ/min)

Swagelok SS-4MG2
  • Web: swagelok.com
  • Part number: SS-4BMG, SS-4BMW (weld port)
  • Orifice: n/a
  • Cv: 0.019
  • Turns to full open: 6
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: swagelok---bm.pdf
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Swagelok BM series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~9 ℓ/min


M series (14 ℓ/min)

Swagelok SS-4MA-MH
  • Web: swagelok.com
  • Part number: SS(B)-?MG*, SS(B)-?MA*
  • Orifice: 0.056" (1.4 mm)
  • Cv:
    • 0.03
    • 0.026 (double pattern, dual handles)
  • Turns to full open: 9
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: swagelok---s-m-31.pdf
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Swagelok M series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~12.3 and ~14.2 ℓ/min

To be continued ...
[Hardly] satisfactory (higher flow) needle valves


NV55/FC55 (19 ℓ/min)

Fabco NV-55
  • Web: fabco-air.com
  • Part number: NV-55, NV-55-18, FC-55
  • Orifice: n/a
  • Cv: ~0.04?
    • similar to Swagelok 31 series
  • Turns to full open: 9
  • Price:
    • official: $40-60
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: fabco---needle-valves.pdf
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Fabco NV/FC series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~19 ℓ/min


31 series (19 ℓ/min)

Swagelok SS-31RS6MM
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Swagelok 31 series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~19 ℓ/min

To be continued ...
SMC penumatics

AS1000 series (20 ℓ/min)


Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for SMC AS series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~20 ℓ/min

Parker Hannifin

HR series (15 ℓ/min)

Parker Hannifin 2A-H5A-V-B-TC

  • Web: parker.com
  • Part number:
    • type 5: -H5?--- (Cv: 0.049)
    • type 4: -H4?--- (Cv: 0.032)
  • Orifice: n/a
  • Turns to full open: 15 (±1)
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: parker---n+hr-series.pdf
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Parker HR series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~15.2 and ~23.3 ℓ/min

NM series (26 ℓ/min)

Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Parker NM series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~26 ℓ/min


MNV-3/4 series (28 ℓ/min)

Clippard MNV-1K
  • Web: clippard.com
  • Part number: MNV-3*, MNV-4*
  • Orifice:
    • MNV-3: 0.07" (1.8 mm)
    • MNV-4: 0.067" (1.7 mm)
  • Cv: n/a
    • at 4 turn SCFM is 1, Cv is under 0.03 before 4 turns; after 4 turns, Cv spike
  • Turns to full open: ?
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: clippard---mechanical-valves.pdf
Graph missing …
Flow table missing …

  • Flow (at full open): 28 ℓ/min
To be continued ...
Unsatisfactory (high flow) needle valves


700 series (43 ℓ/min)

Pneumadyne C070501

Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Pneumadyne 700 series valve):


Flow (at full open): ~43 ℓ/min


20 series (43 ℓ/min)

Swagelok SS-20VS4
  • Part number: SS-20R*, B-20R*
  • Orifice: 0.08" (2.0 mm)
  • Cv: 0.09
  • Turns to full open: 2.5
  • Price:
    • official: ---
    • ebay: $60-100
Flow (at full open): ~43 ℓ/min

O series (43 ℓ/min)

Swagelok SS-ORS2

  • Part number: SS-OR*, B-OR*
  • Orifice: 0.08" (2.0 mm)
  • Cv: 0.09
  • Turns to full open: 8
  • Price:
    • official: ?
    • ebay: ?
Flow (at full open): ~43 ℓ/min


RFU/RFO series (50 ℓ/min)

Camozzi RFO 352-M5

  • Web: camozzi.com
  • Part number: RFU 452-M5, RFO 352-M5
  • Orifice: 0.06" (1.5 mm)
  • Cv: 0.116 (?)
  • Turns to full open: 17
  • Price:
    • official: $15-20 (?)
    • ebay: ?
  • PDF: camozzi---rfu-rfo.pdf
  • Thread: M5, 1/8" G, 1/4" G
  • Shut-off capability: no
    • The handle stop is set at ~3 ℓ/min (!) with 87 psi (6 bar) inlet pressure. This means that this valve cannot be set to a flow rate lower than 3 ℓ/min (= 1,500 bps). Adjusting stop to lower flow setting can damage valve and stem tip!
Graph of gas flow vs. valve handle turns (for Camozzi RFU/RFO series valve) at an inlet pressure of 87 psi (6 bar):


Flow (at 87 psi):

  • mℓ/min = sccm (cm3/min)
  • 1⁄20 = 1⁄20 of the 1st turn (the smallest possible fraction of one turn)
  • bps = bubbles per second (Ø 4 mm)
  • bpm = bubbles per minute
Most hobby-grade valves
  • most unbranded/no-name valves used as part of cheap CO2 sets
[End of article]
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@Bettatail was very helpful to me too when I sought out a nice Swagelok NV. He even custom made a fitting for me so that it would fit my setup after I advised him of what I had.

Good article
NOTICE: Given my severely limited ability to communicate with others via social media in today's world in a way that is mutually agreeable and does not lead to conflict (I've tried many times and always failed), I prefer not to participate in any online discussion. If you have any questions or would like to discuss other matters with me, please use the mail channel: golias.net/akvaristika/contact.php.
Thanks Marcel, for putting the info out here.

This is bettatail from TPT, I am here because I was informed by a couple planted tank hobbyists that my metering valves selection info is in UK scape/planted tank forum.
The linked list of metering valves selection was post on 2011(last edited in 2014). I made a new selection thread in 2020, here.

a bubble double in diameter, the volume of the bubble is 8 times of the original. There are many factors affect the bubble size, so steady bubbles only show you a relatively slow or fast steady co2 flow rate, but not the actual flow rate or volume---- I did some research on the high precision glass tube flow meters and introduced them in my 2020 metering valve selection thread, and started the discussion about the floating ball flow meters in a couple more threads. you can check THIS here.
Mass flowmeters are the prevailing high precision flow control devices, have long replaced the glass tube flow meters. I don't talk about the mass flowmeters because they are out of reach for any average planted tank hobbyist.

The metering valves selection thread was a guide for planted tank hobbyists who want to DIY their own high end co2 system using industrial/lab grade parts, in the United States. Of course, there are three major components for a co2 system-- the regulator, solenoid and needle/metering valve. The discussions about the different low flow, low power consumption solenoids and high purity/heavy duty double stage regulators had never generated a list of brands/model number or consolidated into a single thread or post as metering valves, they are scattered here or there on TPT.

The topic of DIY high end co2 system was popular back then, because it was during the years after 2008 market crash and production outsourcing to China, there were many liquidated/used industrial grade parts on US ebay. In those years, it was a feast for planted tank hobbyists in the US, many spent only a fraction of the original cost to get these high value, high quality parts and made their own high end co2 systems for their planted tanks.
Now in 2025, any hobbyist from the US who wants to make his own set really need some luck to find all three major components in good price, and for people outside of US, chance of finding cheap and high quality parts is weaker, even after US ebay open to most of the countries now a day.