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growing terrestrial ferns above tank

Mr. Teapot

30 Apr 2013
I've seen some members growing ferns on wood sticking up over their tanks - I'd like to give this a go but haven't got a clue how to proceed.

Do you need a 'pocket' of substrate for the roots?
Do the fern roots eventually grip the wood or do they need to be permanently artificially attached?

I wanted to use Blechnum penna-marina. Anybody have any knowledge of this fern? Would it be suitable for this application?
cant help on this but will watch the answers with interest since i would like 2 do something similar 🙂
Adiantum or Nephrolepis would be better

tropical ferns like Adiantum

Thanks Darrel and Edvet - this gives me something to get going - lots of Blechnum in the garden so may try a little of that first as nothing to loose and its a lovely looking plant if it works out. I initially considered it because it stays relatively small compared to the other varieties in my garden. Thanks for the other suggestions and I'll see what I can get my hands on over the weekend.

I think the exposed part of the wood is a little thin to drill out a pocket, so maybe I'll try making a little 'nest' out of moss for the plantlet to sit in while it roots. I have to say, there are so many interesting mosses, liverworts and lichens in my garden, I'll have to hold myself back using them all as well!