im looking fr a moss that stays quite short and will bush out.
Thanks for all the information Matt. Very helpful.
Cheers Gordon.
Thanks for all the information Matt. Very helpful.
Cheers Gordon.
a1Matt said:Is it emersed or submersed?
If it is submersed already, then just chuck it in.
If it is emersed....
I tend to still just chuck it in and see what happens as it transitions.
If it is a rare moss my current approach is to leave the majority of it emmersed, take a small portion off of it, and then just chuck that in a tank and see what happens.
If it then dies, I will take another small portion of it and raise the water level just slightly. This is so that most of the emmersed growth can keep going, but there is enough water so that some submersed growth can form from it. Then when the submersed growth is substantial enough move that into a tank.
Please do not take my approaches as gospel though, I am sure there are lots of different methods that will work 🙂
niru said:Hello a1Matt
at risk of stealing this thread, I have a question: I have triangle moss growing in my tank (EI, CO2, HOT5), as well as a pad put in a jar sitting in the sun. Contrary to my expectation, the single pad is doing much better than the one in the tank. New growth is visibly fresh green.. Not that I keep it in sun all day, only about 3-4 hrs.. but I do change the water often. No added ferts etc..
Why is this so?
thanks & apologies for putting the question here...
hotweldfire said:Is it normal for it to pearl like this?
kellyboy47 long in your opinion does it take for mosses to start growing well as I have both Taiwan Moss and Xmas on mesh. I also have some Riccia on mesh and its early days for all of them but just thought I would ask. My Juwel tank is 'Community' and I use T5 lighting and I dose with APF Plant Nutrition and EasyCarbo if that helps at all :!: