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Growing Moss outside my tank


10 May 2013
Watford, UK
Want to try something but before I might go on a fools erand I wanted to see if anyone has tried this.

Can a person grow Flame Moss etc on wet growing media on the window sill?
Maybe I should keep them in a spare tank with clingfoil over it and mist it every few days. Grow them on hydroponics growing media perhaps?
Any light will work, properly the most effective is natural sun light.
You still have a few weeks left to start up an outside tank, just keep it in dappled light like under a tree.
I keep my emersed tanks outside for about 7 months of the year and get fantastic results.
Otherwise any suspended light will work.
Im going to try it in the loft of my new house were the aquaponics will be housed as well, so there will be one or two grow lights in there.
hahahaha. Yes Big. Im getting into Aquaponics as well as berries for smoothies etc are darned expensive year round.

Also... the UK stuff.... is a little weak 🙂