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31 Oct 2011
South Yorkshire
I've been lurking / reading for a while now thought it was time to actually register though now since I'll be needing some input and idea's now I have a spare tank to play with.
thank you kindly. I even got a double welcome I feel honoured 🙂

Thought I'd add a little bit about my tanks / setup etc now I have a little more time than I initially had.

tank 1
35 litre spare tank (no fish at the moment just regrowing a few plants that got eaten by the baby pleco's)

tank 2
55 litre kitchen side tank.
not much in terms of decoration a few hidey ornaments and some plants 4-5 java ferns and some other plans I have no idea what they are.
Contains 8 Glass cats, 5 baby albino bristle nose plecos, 3 endler guppies (breeding group 1 male 2 females).

This tank is kept pretty clear/empty for the most part its just used for guppie breeding and keeping the glass cats separate from everything else

Tank 3
200 litre
3.5 foot piece of bogwood 🙂, a few plants nothing special mostly because the tanks inhabitants take great pleasure in devouring anything green in the tank.
Contains lots and lots of fishies.
10 glass tetras
6 neon tetras
1 rummy nose (don't ask why only 1)
4 rainbows
2 silver sharks
1 red tailed shark
5 green tiger barbs
5x albino bristle nose pleco
1x yoyo loach
and my pride 10 inch long common sailfin pleco had him since he was a baby.

I'm currently considering planting up and doing the 35 litre tank all nice and pretty nothing fancy though and it'll have to be low tech and relying on liquid carbon rather than gas injection (needs to be maintainable by an idiot 🙂 ) so i'm not sure what to do suggestions welcome.