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Greetings from Australia

Cheers Jim!

Slowly but surely the tank is coming along well, so far...
Time and time again, I try to do another scape or tank only to have it blahblahblahblah up, die or just have issue after issue after issue, just does my blahblahblahblahing head in something shocking, half the plants I received this morning in the mail are blahblahblahblahed, either in poor condition, on the way to being dead or have now just wasted away, the Wabi bowl I did... the AR 'mini' and Anubias Frazeri are blahblahblahblahed, Glosso is doing well though, the Crypt and Hygro I have in the other bowl are blahblahblahblahed, the tank outside with some Rotala, Ludwigia, Vall, Hairgrass and HC are blahblahblahblahed, just wasting away, what a blahblahblahblahing waste of money, oh and then I decided to check on the container I fibreglass treated and put pond sealer on a few months ago and the White Clouds in there are dead... I've had enough of this blahblahblahblah, time after time it's just another blahblahblahblah up, wasting cash, killing fish, shrimp, plants, what a waste, I cracked the shits earlier, chucked both bowls in the bin with everything in them, dead fish in the bin, dead plants in the bin, the HC i had growing emersed in a take away container outside, dead, the Glosso, dead, the only thing I have going is the Aqua One Horizon 50 with the Seiryu Stone and HC and even that's starting to test my patience as well, I just want the thing full, filter running and shrimp in it, not waiting blahblahblahblahing another month or two until I can flood it and then start the cycle, this hobby isn't for me and sad thing is it's taken this blahblahblahblahin' long to figure it out after wasting all the blahblahblahblahin' cash, I out, done, enjoy people.