That is the magic of true “green water” which is caused by more of a photosynthesizing bacteria than an algae 😉
As long as the tint is minimal & not “pea soup”, life will pretty much carry on as per usual for tank inhabitants
You can increase water changes for aesthetics but otherwise I’d leave most things as they are IF system is working for your plants & livestock
Any mcrofiltration system (especially using diatomaceous earth) is effective at clearing the “cloud”
Eventually the GW will disappear just as it arrived (most common source is your tap water but I’ve had GW in only one tank despite using the same tap water etc for all tanks)
You can also try water clarifiers (such as Seachem Clarify - read the fine print & dscussion forum commentary before using any clarifying agent) BUT these can dramatically affect livestock if water is soft, very soft ...
(I lost shrimp & fish within minutes being a naive (murdering) idiot that time, there was no warning re soft water)
GW at the pea soup stage will limit oxygen availability for livestock AND if killed rapidly with any Claryfying type (floculating) agent will rapidly remove even more oxygen from aquarium water - perform multiple water changes first to remove most of the GW, before adding any floculating agent
Thanks for that good advice, yeah i have a uv sterilizer coming next week so guess just need to be patient as it is minimal just annoying as plants are really good