Hello All
So I have been changing the dosage a little on my tank in the last whilst and also upping the water change amounts, but I noticed last night that I have little green spots of Algae on mostly my Amazon Swords.
Any ideas why and if so how to stop it?
I dont really clean the back glass as I leave it for the shrimp, snails and ancistris to go at.
3weeks ago I was dosing:
1ml Profito
1ml Easylife Carbo
I am now dosing:
0.75ml Profito
1.5ml Easylife Carbo
Lights stay on from 7:30am to approx 4pm when my wife gets home.
So I have been changing the dosage a little on my tank in the last whilst and also upping the water change amounts, but I noticed last night that I have little green spots of Algae on mostly my Amazon Swords.
Any ideas why and if so how to stop it?
I dont really clean the back glass as I leave it for the shrimp, snails and ancistris to go at.
3weeks ago I was dosing:
1ml Profito
1ml Easylife Carbo
I am now dosing:
0.75ml Profito
1.5ml Easylife Carbo
Lights stay on from 7:30am to approx 4pm when my wife gets home.