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Mark Evans

13 Jun 2008
newark notts.
nothing has been arranged in this shot, and it's straight from camera.

I went walking by the river and collected a whole host of mosses. The 2 blades of grass were growing naturally.The other things surrounding it are various moss species.

i've placed all the collected moss into my moss pot.

A great idea Aaron, but so much moss would be needed. I do know of one place where it grows over huge meter squared areas, so it would be possible.

A nano would be perfect for this.... Damn, you got me thinking now! :?
Hi Saintly,
If you want lots of moss, I can provide it. My Lakeland garden is packed with the stuff - it grows across bare soil like a weed, and I regularly clear great clumps of it off the rockwork in the garden to keep a nice balance between bare rock and mosses.

Alternatively - move to Cumbria. 😉
Watch what you gather, I had a look on the uk moss society website and they've set up a band of "moss minders" to ensure no pilfering takes place- it could get ugly

Mind you it was an endangered, nearly endangered, sorry to say it but quite thin on the ground, species list 🙁