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Goodbye reef and hello again my photosynthetic friends


13 Apr 2017

New to Ukaps but not new to plant tanks, had a few years away playing with reef tanks but after 10 years (predominantly keeping Sps the difficult corals) the fun had been taken out of fish keeping and I am currently tankless for the first time in a couple of decades. Anyway, I'm here to whet my whistle and im in no rush, the right tank will come along at the right time.

So for now here is a pic of my reef tank shut down 2 months ago...

And here is a tank from 10+ years ago
Thanks Hogan, I was begining to think this site is not very friendly, on the reef site I use new members get flooded with welcome.
Hi from a fellow reefer that trying planted tanks as a new challenge. Still have 2ft cube sps reef but barely tinker with it compared to my plants.
Yes I too originally had a planted tank (low tech), then 'upgraded' to a reef tank. Wow, never realised how much work it would be... Even mixing the salt water was a mammoth task. Then got rid of that and didn't have anything for a year or two, but couldn't be without a tank any longer! So I went back to planted, but high tech co2 injected which I love!

I love the planning stage... You have plenty of fun ahead!

Wow that SPS tank is so epic! Well done my lad. Hold up ya head high!

That ancient planted tank will hold it's own even now.

Looking forward to your chapter....