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Good Dispensing Bottles?


11 Apr 2011
Anybody using a pump dispenser bottle to dose ferts? I would like to find a pump dispenser top that outlets a precise amount (e.g. 2ml, 5ml or 10ml) consistently. Anybody know of anybody who sells them for ideally under £5. Also i would like one that fits a 500ml or 750ml bottle.

Cheers, 😀
Thanks for the replies. After starting this thread I found this, thanks to icepotato:

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/empty-PET-pu ... 3a68473d78

These look great and have a minimalistic quality similar to the ADA. Search for icepotato's thread in the journal section to see them filled with the ferts!

hoggie, those dispensers look great to. Aluminium with be useful in storing liquid carbon as well as it shouldn't be exposed to heat or light.

Many thanks,

Neil 😀 😀
Thanks guys, good to know its accurate. I will be buying some soon ( i still need to finish stocking my dry salts first though). Thanks for all the help. 😀

Many thanks,

Hi Neil
Why don't you just reduce the ferts/trace your adding to the water by 50% or 25% or even 10%.
Then you can still use a 1ml pump.
hogan53 said:
Hi Neil
Why don't you just reduce the ferts/trace your adding to the water by 50% or 25% or even 10%.
Then you can still use a 1ml pump.
I'm wanting to dose 0.5mls. So if the bottle pumped 1ml per pump I could just cut the liquid carbon or ferts with 50% RO water?
Gill said:
Having a browse I found these: Adjustable dispensers
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bottle-top-di ... 791560afc8
I can't get my head around these... would they just pump the specified amount (eg 0.5mls) per pump?
NeilW said:
I'm wanting to dose 0.5mls. So if the bottle pumped 1ml per pump I could just cut the liquid carbon or ferts with 50% RO water?

Dilute your ferts 1:1 (one part of fert: one part of RO Water) and you'll get 50%, therefore 1ml will add all your desired amount of stuff.