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Gold tipped fins on white cloud mountain minnow


18 Feb 2019
Hey all,

Anyone know why my wcmm has gold tips to the ends of his fins? I can only notice it on one of the shoal.
Excuse the mess on the buce, just fed in that area so I could feed bloodworm to the cories on the other side of the tank 😂
Pic quality isn't great but I can just make them out.


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AFAIK this is one of the new varients, I am sure Rachel O'Leary has a breeding colony of these. They have a few names and sometimes called Hong Kong Yellow-Finned White Cloud Mountain Minnows.
Very Lucky to have this one in your group as not seen them on any of the Uk Lists yet @SRP3006
Thanks @Gill , I've been reading online and several posts (not on this forum) have said it's down to them being in breeding mood. Which I don't think is right as more of the males would be showing the same colour. I mean they're happy due to the increased water changes and all the live food they've been getting recently, water butt is supplying loads of food. 😁
Unless it's a trick of the light making it look more yellow, this is different to my male wcmm. When they are trying to entice the ladies, which is most of the time, they have a very strong, almost metallic, white dorsal. So unless you have a heavily weighted yellow light I would say this looks different to the norm.
Unless it's a trick of the light making it look more yellow, this is different to my male wcmm. When they are trying to entice the ladies, which is most of the time, they have a very strong, almost metallic, white dorsal. So unless you have a heavily weighted yellow light I would say this looks different to the norm.
Yes I completely agree, the other males have a very pronounced white tip to their fins. I wouldn't say it's a yellow light, it's a chihiros vivid scaled slightly more to the red end of the spectrum.
That's whats making me think @Gill is right when he says it might be a different strain.
But then again I can't find any pics of anything similar online anywhere
Yes I completely agree, the other males have a very pronounced white tip to their fins. I wouldn't say it's a yellow light, it's a chihiros vivid scaled slightly more to the red end of the spectrum.
That's whats making me think @Gill is right when he says it might be a different strain.
But then again I can't find any pics of anything similar online anywhere
Here are some grabs from one of her Videos, these are a few generations old. So there is alot of variation to the yellow in the finnage, and also Longfinned emerging.


