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Going large (ish) with a 60P

I'm no LED expert so the I'm the wrong person to ask!

I have only ever used LED's since I've been in the hobby and all I can say is it does the job for me!
Small update time.

So I've had to fiddle (as is my prerogative) and I've tried to make the branches into tree's by adding all the fissidens to the branches - this is still a work in progress as I ran out of fissidens so looks a bit patchy but Im sure you can see what I'm trying to achieve. I'm still undecided whether this is the way to go as it looks a bit incongruous, but I'm sticking with it for now.


As is usual for me I've had a mare with the stems (I just cant seem to grow stems) and they all started looking really crap so I pulled them all out and replaced with Ammania Bonsai (another stem I know). The Ammania has already started growing really well despite only being in a week, and I'm hoping the regimented look of them will work well when they get taller.

I've also pulled or moved a lot of the riccia and replaced with more HC which is what I had always intended. Once the back right corner has grown in I'll probably remove all of it - or most of it at least.

Finally a pic of some of the inhabitants. Although these Emerald rasbora are tricky buggers to catch sight of.


In the tank I have 5 Emerald rasbora, 5 Boraras maculatus, 5 otto's, 5 or 6 amano's, about 10 cherry shrimp and 5 low grade CRS (I've been desperate to try some decent shrimp but my hard water is a problem).

I'm probably close to stocking limits but I'd really like a couple of really interesting fish, something like a pair of Blue Rams (I'd move some of the other fish) but I'm told they will decimate my shrimps so any suggestions gratefully received.

Comments and input as always more than welcome

Thanks Andy - not quite what I was after. I never got the bushes in each corner I wanted + I kept adding rocks on the right. New rocks are much more interesting...
Looking good.🙂