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GHOST TREES 1.0 "Day 55 Post Flood"

Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal

In reference to sawing, just make sure its something you want to do, and the positionong is a dead cert before hacking into your lovely wood!
My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal

I have an endless supply of this style of lManzi logs, One of the perks of living in Northern California, it grows like wild fire up here. You just need to drive up into the hills to higher elevations and your in the thick of it. Yes though if I end up sawing I will indeed make sure where I make my cuts.

From the mud grows a Lotus~
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal

WabiKasuH20Fall said:
I have an endless supply of this style of lManzi logs, One of the perks of living in Northern California
Lucky man!
WabiKasuH20Fall said:
Yes though if I end up sawing I will indeed make sure where I make my cuts.
Sorry for stating the obvious 🙄 .
Happy scaping,
Cheerio for now,
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal


Dammit I am stir crazy, I want sooooo bad to start AND I just found out I can go pick up my tank stand locally as early as tomorrow 😀 even today if I had more time and transportation. They closed at 5pm, tomorrow though or Thursday at the latest I will have the stand and I will be underway. Aye yi yi it's like a child waiting for Christmas morning :lol:. Wish Scotty could "beam me up" and back home with my Tank stand. Oh well, live long and prosper...

What is this tank stand going to look like you say?

Well it's on the economical side of things and purely functional although it may undergo some retro fitting to make it more contemporary. I am a chef as well as a legal professional and very much a creative Pisces so I use what I know across the board... This here is a Stainless Steel Work Counter that is 48x24 with a 35 inch height. It can hold extreme weight, the ledge underneath is adjustable to height and is prefect for pumps, CO2 Tanks, Filtration etc... For now until I can get my buddy who is a contractor to build me a custom cabinet this will serve my needs just perfect. Cost? $125USD, I found one on Ebay also that I was going to order for the same price shipped but this one is here locally and ready for pick up tomorrow so I am taking that route.
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal

This is going to be a very interesting journal to follow,...with the emergent growths and all. 😉 Wishing you all the very best of luck with it. 😀
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal

Some shots from this morning with better light. Still tough with glare and my iPhone will get some really nice shots up soon enough.

Looking down the length of the foreground:





Now go re align these and shake you head back and forth and you will see the panaoramic FTS :lol:



Happy Friday!
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal


Ok so earlier than anticipated today was scape day. With the help of a great friend and hobby mate I was able to create this great scape. Well I again say to you, The map is not the territiory and so went this scape. Originally I had set out a scape that was using granite rocks and boulder like round river stone, although I had in my bevy of hardscape materials a whole arsenal or lava and volcanic like rocks as well and with my friends encouragement. The below shots are the scape as it will be! The shots are crap I know we were running out of light, will post additional build pics tomorrow. When I get the better ones as these pics really area piss poor they truly do it justice. Enjoy for now if you can 😀 :icon_mrgr.

The initial stones once the DRL was added:

Placement is everything. Teeter totter:

The final scape pre plants:

Mosses chopped and dropped, the start of the ferns to be tied down more to come with those, Anubias petites in place:

Saran wrapping it up for night 1 officially:
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal

Some shots from this morning with better light. Still tough with glare and my iPhone will get some really nice shots up soon enough.

Looking down the length of the foreground:




No go re align these and shake you head back and forth and you will see the panaoramic FTS :hihi:

Happy Friday!
Re: My unofficial ADA 120 DoAqua Glass Cascade Journal


Day four

Ok so I got some great pics from a friend who helped me on scape day. He took the fist series of FTS's with his Nikon D5100, there are 100 times better then the shots I posted originally from scape day. Please enjoy these as well as today's iPhone shots.

To add also I have planted a total of four pots of Marsilea minuta two on the right third and two on the left third from the foreground and the way to the back and also I tore and tossed another large pad of mini pellia on the middle third center view area. Also I have placed some flame moss on the vertical wood extension spanning down from the upper terrace section and on a few select delicate branches on a small manzi twig on the right end of the tank round the corner.

Placing the mini fissidens was a fun experiment, the portions I had has some soil like mud rooting on them so I tore off patches and pressed them hard into the porous lava rocks on select outcroppings, slopes and overhangs, wood cracks, crevices where ever thought it would make a dramatic effect. I also used these patched and pressed them into the stumpier manzi ends that were bluntly visible. If this mini fissdens takes root and takes off in even half of the places I stuck it I will be way stoked and very pleased. 😀

Also I have gotten one of the lights I will be using in combination with an LED set up that is yet to be determined and the huge abumdance of natural light the tank receives dues to its position with in the giant NW facing Bay Window. The light I have now is a 150HW with an ADA NAG-150W-Green that just makes that plants look amazing and thrive. The pics from today are with the new light fixture on.

If you notice the scape has this upper terrace that was strategically landscaped to be right in between zone of submersed and emerged and slopes gradually up out of the water to the back glass, I am going to plant the with eiher HC or Elatine Hydropiper I am not sure which would do best. I envision a lush dense green carpeted terrace of one or the other. Suggestions and planting strategy welcome for the terrace section as I need to get something planted up there soon and get it rooting.

Ok here are the pics, first series of FTS's from Day one. The following with the new lamp from today.



Day 4(today):

Looking down the front line right front(near) left front (far) also notice near the manzi twig wrapped with flame moss thanks to the help of some moss cotton

Down the line again from a different perspective, ground level:

The middle foreground section and the dark caves and alcoves below the upper terrace:
*Drosera/Sundew Update(60% Planted)*120 DoAqua Glass Cascade

Ok so I purchase this 4" Drosera aka Sundew from Hortica over in the Castro about a month back while collecting terrestrial specimens for the emersed sections. This is a carnivorous plant that spreads by little runners and within the pot there were several smaller runner/sucker tiny drosera's already when I purchased it 😀 . I decided to separate them from their mum and plant them just above the upper left bank on the upper terrace and on the moss and lichen rock. These rocks btw were the rocks I posted in a previous thread entitled “Lichen and terrestrial mosses on tank rocks?” http://forum.sfbaaps.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=12639&p=131042&hilit=+lichen#p131042

Well as you can see some of them made it into the tank scape with lichen moss etc..“el naturale” The mosses that were growing on the rocks dry and crusty have resurrected and are lush and green happy. I tucked the small (>1/2”) lil drosera sucker sprouts in little crater like dimples on the above water level section and one in the Akadama on the left most side of the upper emersed terrace.

Here are a few pics of the transplanted Sundew sprouts.

one smaller one just right of center peaking up and one on the left side of the pics peeking up:


This one is up on the slope planted in the DRL:

Here is their proud mother waiting for me to find her a prime location on the upper cascade:

Tossing this one in just because of that moss in the foreground of the shot. That was was already on the rock but I didn't even see it as it must have just been a dried up scab of a moss ball, well it's beautiful and jumping back to life full boar.

So the lower section is about 60 percent planted I would like to guess, as far as additional plants to add during the dry start phase? I am still debating between EH and HC on the upper terrace/plateau mid section, other then that though I think the dry start plants are in place for a total of four pots of mini minuta two on each side, 3 portions mini pellia torn and tossed in the middle third foreground viewing area. The mini fissedens will be a toss as to where it takes roots and takes hold and where it fails to so I will just have to hope for the best there and hope that my rationale to put it as many places as I could will pay off even it half of it floats away or dries up.

Going away this weekend Friday through Monday evening I am slightly nervous about leaving the tank un attended over this holiday weekend but I think I am just going to put it on dark and cool mode and hope for the best with a 3 day black out. I think it is safer then other alternatives at this stage in the game. The plants are all low light plants at this point still also so that is in my favor as well.

Ciao for now!
Re: @60%planted ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascade Journal

those mosses on the rocks are looking super natural. since you are doing a dry start, did you chop them up before you placed them on the rocks/wood at all?
@60%planted ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascade Journal

Yeah I used the Amano method of using a chopping knife an cutting board and finely minced the mini pellia and mini fissidens and then flicked and sprinkled the pieces throughout the tank strategically, we just have to see where it takes hold permanently. It's got another two weeks on the dry start so things should firm up and take hold I that amount of time.

From the mud grows a Lotus~
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
*5.29.12 Update*ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascade Journal

Day 12 of Dry Start

Ok a quick update to keep the information flowing. Was gone for the weekend and had a friend over making sure things were misted twice daily and excess water removed from the bottom substrate. Things look good, the vertical Flame moss that I chopped and tossed randomly as well as tied to select branches and such is healthy and showing nice green healthy green vertical growth throughout so that is positive.

The mini pellia in the middle third section that I tore and tossed about it attaching to the Akadama and beginning to creep and spread nicely although not quite as fast or as thick as I’d ideally like. I am still confident in the next two weeks things will start to really take off as it seems things are beginning to get rooted and established more each day.

The mosses that were pre existing on these rocks are really taking off and coming back to life and blending with the Mini Fissidens, Flame Moss and and Mini Pellia I tossed around. There is some small little patches of wild mold in some other the shadier areas of the scape that I have appeared in the last day or so. I have been removing it as I see it as too keep it under control until the flood and then it won’t be a problem at all as it all will be submerged.

This terrestrial moss will indeed be totally submerged once I flood so will be interesting to see what happens to it, it will be just barely none the less fully submerged

Notice on the left of this one(below) the tiny little moss starting to prick up with bright green tips

My biggest gripe right now is my inability to take one picture that does this tank like even half the justice it deserves, part of the reason is I don’t have a great camera at the moment and also because of its location in the window, its glass cascades and all the reflections going on it’s tough to get a fair FTS. Once the tank is flooded I will borrow a nice camera and one dark night I will black out the room and get a good shot of it in all its glory. I think I may have also mentioned I want to set up a NannyCam of sorts on the Cascade so I or anyone else with the link can take a peek of the live action remotely via webcam. It may take me a while but I will make this happen. Live streaming tank cam.

On the upper terrace I have yet to plant the EH and or HC. I have decided though I am going to plant both of them at opposing corners of the upper terrace. The Elatine Hydropiper will be planted on the extreme left rear emersed section of the upper terrace and will start out emersed and creep down towards the water line, meanwhile the Hemianthus Callitrichoides will be planted opposite on the submerged slope of the terrace just below the projected waterline. I think this weekend I will go ahead and pick up a few pots of HC and perhaps one of two more pots of Mini Minuta.

As for the Mini Marsilea / Minuta it is doing well and spreading nicely in the Akadama although I think I may not have given it the equal distribution between the left third and the right third where I have it running from the foreground back all the way to the back.

Anubia Petite nana, Mini Fissedens(on the verticle), Bolbitus Cuspidata Micro and some Flame Moss

Ok so this picture isn't too exciting right now other then all the nice mosses creeping up that rock and the lushness, however what I want to try to shore project with this shot is the projected water line. Once flooded the water will come up to the the bottom of the manzi branch protruding out from the upper left corner. sp with that in mind this will become this little tidal area that I can only begin to imagine how filthy sick it will look with shrimp just chilling on the slopes:


Until next time...
*Terrestrial Mockup FTS's* ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascade

Terrestrial Mock Up

Happy last day of May everyone, lets welcome on June and summer officailly regardless of where you live or are currently calling home. I am writing this post to be posted in multiple forums including across the pond and my friends at UKAPS so "hello to all!" 😀

So in response to inquiry on of the the forums I keep this journal on I have done a mock up it’s maybe half to a one third of the terrestrial and epiphytic mosses, ferns, orchids and bromeliads I collected when I was out in Hawaii.

Someone had mentioned that the second manzi log on top of the primary one looked to “placed” and I am sure other have wondered similar thoughts and are trying to guess or imagine just what I have in store for the upper tiers. I hope this give everyone some idea, as this is such a dynamic layout with so much area and possibility to work with I wasn’t quite sure and still am not %100 percent sure of what the upper levels will evolve to. I do know however I have a Left to Right flow going on and top to bottom and the similar direction at a diagonal from Upper Left Rear ? Bottom Right Foreground.

In following with the rule of thirds I divided the layout into three cohesive environments including the left upper emersed /emerged third that include Manzi logs extending out of the water from the mid left third up toward the corner of the tank, middle third consists of the coves under the plateau including some dark shadow areas caves and alcoves.

Extending directly upward in the middle third we have the emergent terrace with both emergent areas extending towards the waterline and continuing on in a downward slope to a emersed underwater plateau. I planted some Elatine Hydropiper on the upper left emersed section and plan to plant some HC “Cuba” opposite it on the submerged right slope the flows gradually down and left to the back left corner and the tank and meets up the the Mini Marsilea the carpets from back to front on both left and right end of the scape.

The last third and right end of the tank consist of unique delicate branch placement including wrapping only select twigs and branches with Flame moss to make a dramatic yet serene image, along with the delicate branchwork and mosses there is nice ledge feature the has healthy rooting and coverage with Mini Pellia and some Mini Fissidens looking very natural right now and taking nice hold. The Mini Pellia is creeping nicely along the vertical face of the ledge.

Ok enough with the jabber jaw and on with the show. Here is the onslaught of new pic I took today before during and after the mock up. Feast your eyes & as always I welcome all comments, critiques and constructive criticism. Gracias!


Looking right to left:

Looking left to right:

Looking at an eye level slice at what will be the waterline, see the Raymond's EH peeking out in the far left rear? The Bolbitus Cuspidata in the middle is a raok from the PlantBrain Mr. Barr. Thanks to both of you 😉

One of my sexy lil Anubia Nana Petite-micro, 1 of 7 in the scape:

Mini Fissidens taking root and sprouting new greens on a vertical Mopani extension:

The first of the terrestrial mock up shots w/ flash:

Additional mock up shots from a slew of various angles & some mixed macros as well:








enhanced to show nice red manzi 😀 :




Hope you enjoyed 😀
Re: *Day 17 of Dry Start FTS's* ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascad

Day 17 of Dry Start

Ok so Day 17 looks pretty much the same as the last few days. The Mini Pellia is continuing to spread in reach over the foreground are and I predict in about 10 more days is should have a firm hold and a good enough carpet and coverage area for me to feel comfortable enough to flood it. The Elatine Hydropiper I planted a few days ago on the upper emersed slope looks as though it transplanted well and has taken root and soon will begin to creep and spread.

New FTS's from today




some flame moss taking hold of some select branches on this manzi twig:

This is some volunteer that popped up out of the Akadama DRL. I have another sprout in the lower section too, wonder if they're radioactive? :lol:


This is a terrestrial moss that was growing in a potted plant I picked up from the local nursery think it is some sort of Irish moss. I liked it and I actually bought the plant only to get the two different types of mosses I saw growing with in the pot around the base of the plant that I actually paid for.
*Day 17 of Dry Start FTS's* ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascade

So flood day will be on the Summer Solstice June 22nd.

From the mud grows a Lotus~
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
Re: *Day 17 of Dry Start FTS's* ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cascad

What a neat little thing. I'll read through it all later when I've got some more time. But i'm just starting to muse over doing my first Wabi. 🙂
*Update Day 26 of Dry Start FTS's* ADA 120 Do!aqua Glass Cas

Update Day 26 of Dry Start.

Things are coming along quite well, the Mini Pellia pieces I had chopped up and tossed on have all attached themselves well to the Akadama substrate, and is well on its way to a nice foreground carpet for the center foreground area.

I was finally able to pick up two pots of Hemianthus Callitrichoides or HC for the upper terrace/ plateau opposite the Elatine Hydropiper up there. I divided the two pots evenly and pre dug out some holes for the patches to go in. I did not plant these stem by stem, or even 3 stem by 3 stem. I think they will take ok because they are also planted on an emersed slope and will be creeping from an submersed state to the elevated emersed plateau.

I put in only a few of the orchids I collected out in Hawaii and the ones that are in there seem to be adapting well also as I notice nice new root growth of the exposed root system of these epiphytic orchids.

The Mini Minuta is doing ok just kinda slow and steady that plant, as expected. Again that one is planted on the right and left ends of the scape and runs from back to front. I might toss in two more pots right before I flood just to boost its carper rate a little we shall see though. Maybe it will be more fun to be patient and wait for what’s in there to fill in?

Ok so I am a little excited because Iast week I was able to secure my primary Fauna for this tank in the way of fish. I got a smokin hot deal on 20 Celestial Pearl Danios they are due for arrival this by end of this week of First thing next week. I have a seasoned and waiting 25 Gal. long that they will go in until the new tank is ready for them. I have always wanted a nice large school of this fish but they are so pricey I could never afford any sizable school at once.

(Not my image)
I have done quite a bit of research on these fish and their unique natural habitat and and coincidentally my tank actually has a lot of features similar to their home environment and ecosystem. I didn’t plan it this way it just seems it turned out well suited to their liking, or I hope based on my research. Also with the layout the way I have these timid fish will be forced to the viewing areas in the front and the tank and run back and forth along the foreground as the background is elevated for the middle half and there is no where else for them to retreat to but some limited caves tunnels and alcoves.

Along with the CPD’s I have also secured at least 6 Amanos and most likely another half dozen coming right behind those for the cleaning crew once the Algae starts blooming and the diatom cycle gets underway. In addition to combat that I think I will have almost a half dozen Otocinclus on hand and ready to toss in and got to work. That initial crew the Amanos and the Otocinclus and bi weekly 50% water changes for the first week to 10 days should combat most of the remaining algae issue of course only after the initial 10 days of heavy 4-5 bps CO2 dosing to aid in the emersed submersed transition post flood.

Here are the latest FTS’s 😀


The HC I just planted on the Right slope:


10 more days till flood...


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