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Getting somwhere? pic updates

Re: Happy tank .. Awful pics

Hey man how is the tank looking now? Any updates and pics?

My tank is ticking along but my moss hasn't done much yet? Not quite sure why. I did get what looks like a red ramshorn snail which is doing better than the moss at the moment :lol: not sure why he wasn't eaten by my 2 Botia kubotai maybe he is snail Rambo. How is your moss now?

As an aside I now have another baby C. Zebra. I got it for a great price from Ornamental fish farm in Bury. They seem to buying in more plecs so if you ever decide on getting another it may be worth a look.

Hope it's going well!

Re: Happy tank .. Awful pics

awtong said:
Hey man how is the tank looking now? Any updates and pics?

My tank is ticking along but my moss hasn't done much yet? Not quite sure why. I did get what looks like a red ramshorn snail which is doing better than the moss at the moment :lol: not sure why he wasn't eaten by my 2 Botia kubotai maybe he is snail Rambo. How is your moss now?

As an aside I now have another baby C. Zebra. I got it for a great price from Ornamental fish farm in Bury. They seem to buying in more plecs so if you ever decide on getting another it may be worth a look.

Hope it's going well!


Hey there Andy

The tank imo is looking pretty good at the moment 😀

hopefully easerthegeaser will be coming over with his dlsr tomorrow night, cause i am well past an update. For the first time i think there will be some noticeable growth!

I thought my moss was doing quite well until i got some more from basil and realised how much better the new stuff was :lol: Not sure why its not staying as good as his, he did mention that the tank his does the best in is running at 23c ? Could be the difference.

I would truly love another c.zebra :thumbup: My little peppermint is doing really well but she is shy!

Was reading that you are settting up a shrimp tank 😀 i have got 30 cherries coming on friday so if you want any in the future just ask.

Hopefully tomorrow night i can do a proper post :thumbup:
Re: Happy tank ..

Thanks for the shrimp offer. I am not sure what I will be keeping yet and this is going to be a long term project that I will build up the equipment for.

The other half just managed to get an iphone pic of the new plec to put on my journal. This one is not overly shy and likes to spar with the much bigger plecs! Maybe it is a male but I won't be able to tell for a long while.

Looking forward to the pics of your tank.

Re: Happy tank ..

awtong said:
Thanks for the shrimp offer. I am not sure what I will be keeping yet and this is going to be a long term project that I will build up the equipment for.

The other half just managed to get an iphone pic of the new plec to put on my journal. This one is not overly shy and likes to spar with the much bigger plecs! Maybe it is a male but I won't be able to tell for a long while.

Looking forward to the pics of your tank.


Shrimp offer is there if you decide to have a practice run with some freebies 😀 I have amanos in my tank now and they are cool to watch and now they are 1" to 2" they really look after themselves.

No camera tonight plus my compact battery was completely flat lol

checked out the plec awesome but will write more in your journal :thumbup:
Adding 60 cherry shrimp

I have had roughly 10 cherry shrimp in my tank for about a month... I only ever see about two at a time but then its quite a big tank and there are lots of hiding places.

So i have bought another 60 cause i really like the two i normally see .. and by my maths i might see up to 15 now :lol:

To me this seems a lot of shrimp, maybe its not in terms of shrimps? what i would like to know is should i increase my feed amount considerably?

cheers dave
Re: Adding 60 cherry shrimp

Dave, that seems a LOT to add all in one go. Keep an eye on your water params as shrimp do contribute a fair bit of waste to the system. Im sure you got it covered but thought I would mention it in case you had overlooked it. (PS not speaking from experience but from bits I have read). :thumbup:
Re: Adding 60 cherry shrimp

Was wondering myself if i had overcooked the goose so to speak :lol:

The existing cherries seem fine plus 10 amanos and 2 bamboo shrimp .. so hopefully this means the water paramiters are good and if the bioload visibly increases then i will up my water change to twice a week.

If it looks like i have gone over the top then my nano should be up and running pretty soon :thumbup:
Re: Adding 60 cherry shrimp

somethingfishy said:
Was wondering myself if i had overcooked the goose so to speak :lol:

The existing cherries seem fine plus 10 amanos and 2 bamboo shrimp .. so hopefully this means the water paramiters are good and if the bioload visibly increases then i will up my water change to twice a week.

If it looks like i have gone over the top then my nano should be up and running pretty soon :thumbup:

I think its just more in the short term. I dont know how many shrimp is equivalent to say one guppy or one whatever in terms of bioload, but the theory is the same I believe... Thou shall't not add too many in one go. So as long as you keep an eye out for prolonged spikes Im sure it will all go OK 🙂
Re: Adding 60 cherry shrimp

somethingfishy said:
Was wondering myself if i had overcooked the goose so to speak :lol:

The existing cherries seem fine plus 10 amanos and 2 bamboo shrimp .. so hopefully this means the water paramiters are good and if the bioload visibly increases then i will up my water change to twice a week.

If it looks like i have gone over the top then my nano should be up and running pretty soon :thumbup:

You will be fine mate, i used to keep alot of shrimp tanks and often swapped 50+ shrimp at a time between tanks with no ill effects.... shrimp in general are considered to be very low waste producers and aslong as parameters are monitored for a few days (which you would with most new additions anyways) you will be perfectly fine :thumbup:.
Re: Adding 60 cherry shrimp

somethingfishy said:
Thanks for that bud 🙂 haha I always question my decisions ... cant wait to get the shrimp in the tank :thumbup:

LOL.... hope they all arrive safely mate :thumbup:
Feel like my tank is finally starting to fill out a bit 😀

Thanks easer for popping over with your camera, shame we did not have much time .. haha so be warned dirty glass and floating food 😳

Full tank shot ish


Think i need to stop trying to edit my pics because i make them look worst everytime!!


Really happy with my tank at the moment and i cant wait to do my first proper scape 😀

I love the lilly in the bottom left corner, looking forward to watching this slowly make its way up the tank and im suprised by how many shoots it has in only a few weeks.

Love the moss that Basil sent me


haha its a shame it does not all look this healthy!! when it all arrived it looked really lush ... but over time in my tank it seems to loose its vibrancy 🙁

My two dwarf chiclid have paired i think? The female has found a little natural cave in the wood and stays there guarding it all the time. So fingers crossed 😀 If anyone can tell me there names i would appreciate that.
The Female
The male

Thanks for looking ... any plant suggestions for the left of the tank would be appreciated.

stunning dwarf cichlids ! id love to know what they are too.
I cant beleive she found the big hole in the wood ... I did not know it was there until I saw her heading bobbing in and out of it. Would be very cool to have some babies ... first take i have had without any breeding going on 🙁
They are not Apistos, but similar for sure i cant remember the name I know the common name ended in nigerian red?

Did a quick google lol they are Pelvicachromis taeniatus there common name is nigerian red
That is looking great now. Will look really good if the moss really takes. I am starting to wonder if the moss doesn't like my hotter plec temperatures. Most journals I have read on here with great moss are non heated tanks. I better go off and read the growing mosses sticky!
