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Get excited and make something.


and although not aquatic, check out this layout with air plants and succulents!


source; http://www.elos.eu/
Only just stumbled across this thread. One of the best threads i have read in terms of providing pure inspiration and ideas. Brilliant efforts by all those who have posted different stuff :clap:
Glad to see this is still going, regrettably some pretty horrible things from people I thought would know better have gotten back to me about my position on this forum in addition to being threatened with legal action from PFK and as such I will no longer be posting, clearly I haven't been missed and will not be, regardless, please continue this thread and I hope it's contents continue to inspire.
Happy scaping, and so long.
Garuf said:
Glad to see this is still going, regrettably some pretty horrible things from people I thought would know better have gotten back to me about my position on this forum in addition to being threatened with legal action from PFK and as such I will no longer be posting, clearly I haven't been missed and will not be, regardless, please continue this thread and I hope it's contents continue to inspire.
Happy scaping, and so long.

Sorry to hear that. No chance of sticking around?
wow. epic loss. your knowledge of internet resources on the hobby is second to none and will be missed by me and I assume many other people. 🙁