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Hi George,

Thanks for such a detailed journal. I'm just wondering what you need 2 timers for - one for the solenoid and the other...?

I would say for his heating mat - I'm sure George will clarify this though.
Thanks guys. As always, it's great to hear your feedback and answer your questions. 🙂

Did you reduce your hose size to be able to use more appropriate sized glassware for the tank?
Yes mate. I'm a big fan of the gUSH glassware and I only have the 12mm currently. I'm hoping someone brings out some 'stubby' 17mm glassware at some point... 😉

I'm just wondering what you need 2 timers for - one for the solenoid and the other...?
Hi - Gary was right. The other is for the heating mat. It's set for one hour on/one off. I'm currently getting a fairly constant 22C (the Fluval G filter has a current temperature read-out and historical graph). I'll adjust it so it's a bit warmer for when I eventually add some fish.

hi george, where did you buy the dc it looks the dogs danglies lol
Hi Gary - It's another gUSH item from UKAPS Sponsor, Aquarium Plant Food UK.

In other news I've added 40+ (mostly juvenile) cherry shrimp today - many thanks to Matt, the Leicester City fan from Wellingborough who is also UKAPS member. 🙂

In worse news the diatom-like algae is getting significantly worse. Probably a consequence of dropping my CO2 levels too quickly. I'm hopeful the shrimp will help address this, and as the tank matures in general, it will sort itself out.

The Ammania has all but melted too. 🙁

I'll try to get some updates pics up soon. Do you fancy some lovely close-ups of pearling algae?! It makes me feel sick! lol
Hi George,
First of all, congratulations for your aquascaping abilities!
I found you when i was searching for info on the 1500 tile and i belive you can help me 🙂))
This will be my first real project on freswater:
I'm starting a signature tank like yours and i don't know what light i should use. My ideia is a very clean and simple scape with, mostly, a lot of glossostigma and eleocharis acicularis.
I was wondering on a 4 x 24 Watt T5 from Arcadia or the Giesemann 1x70hqi + 2x8T5 or, my first choice, one,just one, 1500 Ultima whitout controler. Based on your experience, do you think it will work?
I have a Aqua Medic Ocean Light 150w MH, but i belive thats way to strong for a only 30cm height aquarium, isent it?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Christian,

Thanks. 🙂

All of your listed options will grow the plants you wish. What you choose is a matter of taste and expense. T5 give you the best flexibility in terms of colour choice. The 1500 tile is great for low running cost and control, and glitter lines. And the colour is very respectable for LED.

You are right to assume a 150w MH is overkill for this Signature tank unless suspended very high.

Nastiness from wood, yogurt and some decaying plants, keep the ph a bit high (>6.5) to help the bacteria establish and forget the RO water, eventually mix it if you think the GH is too high, I used it only for my iron lately and add tap water directly from the source. After the ph raise you'll get a diatom bloom that will clear in two weeks, you can suck it with a thin hose. Usually after the diatom bloom comes BBA, kidding' 😀

Great 'scape btw, lovely ludwigia. Aquasabi stocks 17mm gUSH.

Hi Christian,

Thanks. 🙂

All of your listed options will grow the plants you wish. What you choose is a matter of taste and expense. T5 give you the best flexibility in terms of colour choice. The 1500 tile is great for low running cost and control, and glitter lines. And the colour is very respectable for LED.

You are right to assume a 150w MH is overkill for this Signature tank unless suspended very high.


Hi George,
So you belive 1x1500 Ultima will be enough for what i need? That helps me 🙂 i will either go that way on a MountaRay Bracket or i will make some DIY and convert my AquaMedic pending to 70w. Cheapest solutions and they both shimmer 🙂
Thanks guys 🙂

Hi George,
So you belive 1x1500 Ultima will be enough for what i need? That helps me 🙂
Yes. Please also take a look at Ian's excellent journal to get an idea of how one 1500 unit works...

A New Adventure (goby pics) | UK Aquatic Plant Society

How's the Hottonia doing?
Really well mate. The leaf form is beautiful and has changed a bit since the flood - no surprise there, of course. It's growing quite quickly and I think I'll allow it to grow above the surface to see how it looks.

...is that a 'new' variety of ludwigia?
Yes. Tropica call is Ludwigia sp. 1. Such a wonderful name! lol

In other news the algae seems to be clearing up a bit, so fingers crossed it's going the right way.

I've removed all of the Ammania; it was all dead or dying. I think I'll replant some Ludwigia cuttings to fill the gap in a few days.

I've not got time to take photos at the moment, but as soon as I do, I will... 🙂

Looking great, George!

Good of you to share the algae woes, But as you and I....and pretty much everyone in the hobby actually, know that this is just part of start up issues. It happens.

This layout will look truly immense.

When it starts to develop a bit more, I'll come over and shoot some video with you of you like?
Looking great, George!

Good of you to share the algae woes, But as you and I....and pretty much everyone in the hobby actually, know that this is just part of start up issues. It happens.

This layout will look truly immense.

When it starts to develop a bit more, I'll come over and shoot some video with you of you like?
Thanks mate 🙂

I'd love to have you over, Mark.

Maybe soon I'll have a camera that will shoot video too so you can give me some top tips! 😉
Developing very nicely George. Unipac pettrified wood is amazing. I have a little scaped mountain scape and I love it so much that it sits unfilled for 4 months already :lol:
Nothing comes close to amano shrimp army for battling algae. In very high numbers they would even eat hair algae. You need high numbers though, about 30 at least.
Another option for diatoms which I used before getting access to unlimited amano battalions is liquid carbon very heavy overdosing for 2-3 days. Pity you introduced cherries already although it can be done with them.
Great photography. Me jelous 🙂
Nice to see they are doing well George.

Bizarrely since giving you a few of the bigger berried Cherries from the Nano it seems to be crawling with juveniles to a far greater extent than before. God knows why. Full tank shot?
Hi all,

I managed to find the time to get a couple of shots this evening. No time for macros of shrimp yet - sorry! 🙂

12 days since flooding, and the stems will need pruning soon.

Ian Holdich is kindly sending me some more Ammania to try out after my spectacular failure!
insitu day 12 by George Farmer, on Flickr

Day 12 by George Farmer, on Flickr