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George's Aquascaper 1200 Nature Aquarium

That looks awesome, possibly one of your best (imo) yet; the clarity is superb, either the kessils, camera, or both!
As others have said, the depth to this scape is awesome, the pic in post #91 is stunning. The ripple-effect on your walls from those Kessils must be amazing too.

Have always been impressed with your tanks, hope you keep on inspiring others!
Great journal, scape and plants condition. My only criticism is, this type of layout does not show full potential of such a nice tank. If I didn't know the size of the tank I would have thought it is no more than 40cm in depth as a whole layout is very flat 🙁 You need to use your 60cm more carefully and wisely George 😉
Great journal, scape and plants condition. My only criticism is, this type of layout does not show full potential of such a nice tank. If I didn't know the size of the tank I would have thought it is no more than 40cm in depth as a whole layout is very flat 🙁 You need to use your 60cm more carefully and wisely George 😉
That's a really good point! I have a plan to make some changes that will show off the depth... 😉
That's a really good point! I have a plan to make some changes that will show off the depth... 😉
To be honest George I wouldn't make changes as it is lovely scape (unless shaping the plants). But when planning next one in the future it is definitely worth thinking about something extraordinary with great depth of field. Don't forget - you are most recognisable aquascaper in UK
To be honest George I wouldn't make changes as it is lovely scape (unless shaping the plants). But when planning next one in the future it is definitely worth thinking about something extraordinary with great depth of field. Don't forget - you are most recognisable aquascaper in UK
Ha! Thanks. 🙂
Hi @George Farmer ,

I'm interested in your use of the Tropica fertiliser. You mentioned at the start of the journal that you planned to use 10-20ml PER DAY however the Tropica website states that the dosage is 6ml per 50L of water PER WEEK.

I'm curious as to why you went for this amount of dose per day? I know you have good experience with Tropica products and I'm thinking of swapping from an EI based approach.
Hi @George Farmer ,

I'm interested in your use of the Tropica fertiliser. You mentioned at the start of the journal that you planned to use 10-20ml PER DAY however the Tropica website states that the dosage is 6ml per 50L of water PER WEEK.

I'm curious as to why you went for this amount of dose per day? I know you have good experience with Tropica products and I'm thinking of swapping from an EI based approach.

While you're waiting for the answer, you can look at examples of how much the Tropica fertilisers are used here: https://ukaps.org/forum/threads/a-little-inspiration.29865/

Mick.Dk works at Tropipa. He has maintained many Tropica's tanks including the ones in the thread. The dosage is adjusted to plants' need (up to 200-300 ml. a week for the ~200 litres tank).

Some other tanks don't use as much, for example, the Layout 81 which is a 180 litres tank. It's 120 ml a week http://tropica.com/en/inspiration/layout/Layout81/5285

Most recommended dosage in the instructions of branded ferts are generally low. Because they don't know the plant mass and the frequency of water change, to play it safe I guess.
I myself am loving the Tropica ferts, never had plants grow they way they are with using the Specialist Ferts Bottle.
I am dosing 10ish squirts every other day. And all the plants I have been unable to keep in the past are flourishing. And the colours on anything Red/Pink is soooo deep and luscious.
90 sec video of feeding the tank...

Haha, 90 seconds of George gaping into his tank. That's the moment right there and the reason we all do this. The bit where you're transfixed, totally immersed in a beautiful creation that you created.

And then there's days when you have algae