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George's 120cm - Nature's Reflection v2

Well, just experienced my first major cock-up with this tank!

I manually set the lights to come 'on' earlier than the timer yesterday, as we had guests.

And you guessed it - I forget to set the timer back to automatic before I went to bed. I came downstairs with my youngest daughter this morning to see if the Easter Bunny had visited, only be greeted by my tank lighting up the living room!

So the lights have been on for a whopping 18 hours! 10 hours with no CO2... Thankfully only half the potential lighting (2 x 54w T5).

50% water change here we go!

Moss has visibly grown... 😀
Always Broke said:
How easy it to do that.
Could you explain why you would now do the water change.
Sure. The plants will have likely released organic compounds into the water, such as ammonia/ammonium. Without CO2 injection to enable the plants to effectively use up these nutrients, it leaves the door wide open for algae.

A 50% water change will hopefully dilute these organic compounds, and combined with a sufficient dark period, algae may hopefully be prevented...

Interestingly, even without CO2 injection throughout the night, the plants were pearling like mad. I wonder if CO2 lasts longer in the water column than I assumed, even with the considerable surface agitation.

If in doubt - I always do a water change.
Thanks for the reply.
That makes sense. I can see how easy it could be to get an Algae problem now you have pointed that out.
How long a dark period are you going to do. Is that totally dark as in covered up or just not lights on.
So much to learn.

Always Broke said:
How long a dark period are you going to do. Is that totally dark as in covered up or just not lights on.
So much to learn.

I just left the lights off as normal, set to come on at usual time (3pm to 11pm).

24hrs later all is well, so far...

Glosso is doing much better now, as it has adjusted to the 4hr midday burst of 4 x 54w T5. Much more compact, and horizontal carpeting. Another 2 weeks and it will be a solid carpet.

Vallis is sending out lots of new runners, but as the new plants are heavily shaded by old, their growth is very slow. Once the new plantets have established I may remove the oldest.

Moss is looking ok too.

I've upped dosing to 12ml TPN+ per day.

I should be able to get some photos up tomorrow evening.

Happy Easter! 😀
Some recent photos, as promised.

Full-tank shot - Day 21

I'm starting to think the solid carpet of glosso running the length of the tank limits the perspective of depth. Something for me to mull over and consider over the coming weeks. I think as the crypts and moss mature and the vallis forms a solid curtain, the balance will look better. It's very tempting to add a dash of red in there actually...



You can see the intense pearling! Remember that all of the CO2 microbubbles are going into the filters, so the white spots are oxygen!



I'm happy with the progress, in terms of how the plants are growing and how the 'scape is developing. Visitors to the house say it's the best tank they've seen me do (and they've seen plenty!) I'm not sure, but it does have the potential I think.


I've gone back to just 8 hrs of 2 x T5 whilst I'm away from this tank midweek. It will be interesting to see how the glosso performs with the reduction in light.

I agree on the full depth carpet George - when I stripped my HC back ages back it opened the depth and perspective of the tank up amazingly. It was also nice to see the substrate, especially given the cost of the darn stuff 🙂
nry said:
I agree on the full depth carpet George - when I stripped my HC back ages back it opened the depth and perspective of the tank up amazingly. It was also nice to see the substrate, especially given the cost of the darn stuff 🙂

Thanks for the feedback, Chris. 🙂

I think I'll give it a few weeks to see how the other plants mature and affect the layout.

The glosso is the fastest grower, so is dominating the layout somewhat at this early stage (it's only 3 weeks old).

As the aquascape fills with more green from the crypts, vallis and moss, it should look a lot better.

Another trick to add a sense of depth is to prune the glosso so it's very shallow at the front of the glass, then getting deeper as it goes into the rear of the tank. Imagine the carpet so it's not even growing against the glass at the front.

Of course, the ferns are very dominating too, but these will also become more blended as the crypts mature, especially as they share a similar leaf form.

Ultimately time will tell if my foresight is any good! I'm quite excited about the future of this layout, if I'm honest. 😀
George Farmer said:
It's very tempting to add a dash of red in there actually...
I wouldn't do that... The color of your fish contrasts well with the green of the plants and the brown wood... Adding red would only "dissolve" this concise and decisive choice. Like a "spoiler". 🙂
keymaker said:
George Farmer said:
It's very tempting to add a dash of red in there actually...
I wouldn't do that... The color of your fish contrasts well with the green of the plants and the brown wood... Adding red would only "dissolve" this concise and decisive choice. Like a "spoiler". 🙂
Good point, thanks!
Truly stunning! I find that glosso needs a lot of maintenance in order to create depth. In my experience, even if the soil at the back is say 1 inch taller than the soil in the front, somehow it will still naturally form a level carpet. The soil needs to be really steep, like 3-5 inches different to create proper depth.

Also, in my humble opinion, a tank like this doesn't need to have depth, because I view it as literally a slice of a pond or river somewhere :thumbup:
Wow! What an incredible journal already after only 3 weeks! 😀

It's really nice to see you doing a 'proper' journal again. The technical details and aquascaping tips are invaluable to newbies like me! 😳

I love this shot especially.


Also amazing to see that you used only plants that have been in a box for a month, after being used for the TV show (which I've set my Sky+ to record!!)

By the way, where you in Maidenhead Aquatics in Crowland last week? I think I saw you chatting to the staff but wasn't brave enough to approach you! I was tempted to ask for your autograph, but wasn't sure if it would embarrass you!! :lol: :shh:

I read that you are away from this tank during the week. Who does the maintenance (ferts etc.) when you are away? Do you worry about it? :?

I am really looking forward to seeing this grow-in. I expect you are a very busy person so I for one really appreciate you creating a journal like this to show people like me how it's done. I dare say that some experienced members will also benefit from it to.
Thanks, flygja and Laura! 😀

NA-Fan said:
By the way, where you in Maidenhead Aquatics in Crowland last week? I think I saw you chatting to the staff but wasn't brave enough to approach you! I was tempted to ask for your autograph, but wasn't sure if it would embarrass you!!
Yes, I was in MA @ Crowland last week. I bought a load of Amano shrimp and Otocinclus for this tank. It would have been nice to have been introduced; it's always great to meet fellow UKAPS members. Not sure who would have been more embarrassed if you asked me for an autograph though!

NA-Fan said:
I read that you are away from this tank during the week. Who does the maintenance (ferts etc.) when you are away? Do you worry about it?
My eldest daughter fertilises the tank in my absence. I have TPN+ in an old 500ml ADA pump-dispensing bottle, so it's just 12 pumps every day (12ml). The fish are fed twice a day and she checks there's CO2 coming out of the diffusers. All other maintenance is performed by me on a weekend, usually first thing Saturday mornings. I do think about the tank but don't worry about it. I resist the temptation to ask about it when I'm phoning home. If there were any issues my wife or daughters would be sure to tell me.

NA-Fan said:
I expect you are a very busy person so I for one really appreciate you creating a journal like this to show people like me how it's done. I dare say that some experienced members will also benefit from it to.
I am busy but now I do have time to enjoy my own hobby more, and better still get to share it with you guys through journals like this. It's still very much a learning process for me too. It's a real win-win scenario!

Thanks for the lovely feedback. 😀
Thanks, Sam.

Not my favourite 'scape for me either - yet...

The left will fill in nicely in the next few weeks. Patience is a virtue.

Glad the marine is doing well for you. 😀
Well George,i for one like it very much,i have enjoyed the journal very much so far,its all looking very healthy fish and plants look very happy,its funny how we all have our own way of doing tank maintenance but we can all have very similar results with plant growth,keep the photos coming,

Just read this journal from start to finish, its great keep up the good work! Your tank looks very nice indeed (Great photos, what about a video?) , i really like the layout, cant wait to see the java fern fill out a little more!

Well I love the fish, they're very pretty!
Everyone needs something pretty to look at. Like it! Nice one 😀


PS: Hope ur not overwhelmed by my overly technical post, I will try be more light-hearted in future! :lol: