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6 Jun 2011
Tank 80X35X45 cm
Light 4x 39 w T5 ( 2 x Aquamedic Plant Grow, 1 880 Skywhite, 1 865 )
Filtration Eheim 2215.
Substrate- Power sand special, Amazonia Normal, and powder type.
Driftwood and seiru stone.
a pair of angelfish, rhodostomus, SAE, otto.
Plants: ludwigia arcuata, rotala sp green, rotala roundifolia, microsorium, anubias, marsilea, valisneria, lilaeopsis.
A few photos

The photo is not so good, now the aquarium looks even more beautiful. Still i try to find right time for ilumination, and fertilisation, i have some green algae on plants, and also like a dark spots on ferns. Maybe the light is to much. I have 4 x 39 watti for 4 hours, and then until 9 hours only 2 x 39 watt.
Maybe someone could help me to find the right choice for lighting and also fertilisation. Now i use Step 3 from ADA, Special Lights and special shade, kalium from easy life because i'm out of brighty K, ECA when i change the water, and also phyton git.

I use 3 ml of Step 3 with 2 ml of potasium each day. and 3 times per week i also use 3 ml special lights and shade.

a video with my setup.....i'm, still strugling to get the right combination of ilumination and ferts. i have some green and dark spots on anubias. Maybe you can help me. Thanks

It does seem like ALOT of light to me on that size of tank. I'd possibly turn it down to just the two bulbs.

You dont mention CO2 but i presume you have it as I see a drop checker. I cant help with the posh ferts I'm an EI dry dose man.

i use 2x 39 w T5 for 8 hours, the others 2 i use only for 4 hours in middday. Now i am also using No3 and Po4 dosing. I dose every day 4 ppm of No3 and 0,5 ppm of PO4, 3ppm of K. Is it to much?
Stability is also beneficial. Make sure you adding enough ferts and your CO2 is right and not fluctuating too much during the day and things will hopefully iron out. anubias is an algae magnet and you have ALOT of light over it. My stuff grows best when shaded and sometimes in total darkness 🙂.

Green spot can be linked to CO2 fluctuations and low phosphate. How long has the tank been running now?

The scape is aprox 6 months old. Now is on the right track. i'm adding macro and also Step 3 and Eca as a source of micro and iron. Co2 is aprox. 34 ppm ( Kh-7, and ph 6.78) and i use it non stop. i will take some photos to show the actual scape. Thanks for your reply's.