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Gathering from the wild

Never mind the tire, my eye is drawn to the odd blue colored spot in the clif, about 1/3 up above the tire, little to the right. 🙂 Could that be a Kingfisher? I know they prefer steep walls with nooks and crannies to nest and hide. Wuold be the perfect spot, the color matches..
Never mind the tire, my eye is drawn to the odd blue colored spot in the clif, about 1/3 up above the tire, little to the right. 🙂 Could that be a Kingfisher? I know they prefer steep walls with nooks and crannies to nest and hide. Wuold be the perfect spot, the color matches..

good observation!

I can't tell from the photo what that is, the blue certainly is offset against the surrounding rock, i'll try and re-visit it soon and if its a bit of rubbish or something we'll know!