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Garden standing around…

thought I would update this journal as the 75p journey continues….

The initial heavily NA styled scape and planting had great longevity, but the time came to scratch an itch that I’d had for some time. I wanted to try and replant the original scape in a heavily contrasting way to that of the original.

Midway through August I began breaking down the tank whilst retaining the original hardscape construction in place. This involved removing all plants, siphoning out the old soil at the rear and the sand in the foreground. Fish and shrimp caught and then the empty tank cleaned and dried ready to start again. I also opted to swap the ‘Garden Stand’ out for a wood cabinet to match that of the new Mossy Forest Stream tank which sits beside it…The ‘Garden Standing Around’ journal has now moved on and normally this would usually lead to a new journal if not for the fact I wanted to try keeping the same hardscape layout and adapting planting to maintain interest. If you have something you like then you don’t need to fully rescape every time you want something new, but can adapt the concept. Due to this I will continue the journal within this one 😁

The next iteration was to be starkly contrasting in style so I also decided to use the lightground backlight with blue/white graded foil as I find this really helps the plant colours to pop. The old solar 1 metal halide light unit was swapped for the newer Solar rgb light unit, again to enhance colour and brighten the overall scape aesthetic.


I knew to strongly contrast the previous, I also wanted full soil substrate and a carpet, the scape was to be more vibrant so stem plants were also going to be added. With this in mind this drove the decision to replace all substrate for new fully loaded nutrient rich soil.




The scape was then ready for planting with its new Amazonia 2 substrate, and already had a very different vibe….
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Everything does (and will do) look beautiful. Designer setup, for sure!