If you make the spraybar longer the flow will not reduce at all. The force the water comes out of the holes will reduce yes 🙂. If you want to get really technical you could buy a full length pipe the same size and make smaller holes in it to equate to the same force over it's length but that is in IMO getting over the top for something that will make no difference. If anything the flow might increase IF it was being restricted at all by the spraybar because it will reduce a restriction.
I would personally either buy another spraybar and link it with hose or make a full length one. You could even buy a cheapo spraybar of that length. I wouldn't worry too much about the filter pressure coming out of those holes. If it is lower pressure full length it might help you in allowing you to point it downward and therefore pointing the CO2 downwards.
You have plenty of power to sort out circulation in your Tunze's. Look at the filter as doing filtering and injecting and use the Tunze's to move the CO2 around.
I would have the spraybar running the length of the tank with the same size holes, The same amount of water will come out but at lower force, point it as much downward as possible without it blowing the substrate around and then with the poiwerheads move them around until you are happy the CO2 is moving nicely around the tank.
Ok, I increased the size of the spray bar to almost the full length of the tank BUT, there is only a trickle coming out of it now. I know you said the Tunze's would create enough flow but I'm still concerned especially since my co2 will be coming out of the spray bar via Atomizer. Do I need be concerned that it is a trickle?????