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From this to This

Stu Worrall

Global Moderator
7 Sep 2008
Flintshire, North Wales
ill probably get shouted at for this but what the hell :) mods feel free to move or delete if you like

This is a rather large tank on the River Llugwy.

From this in 2006 when i first visited

River Llugwy by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

To this in 2013 last week.

Afon Llugwy - Summer by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Not much has changed, things have grown bigger and boulders have moved downstream with the mighty roar of water that thunders through here in the winter. nature is on a steady course here
Why would anyone shout at you or want those beautiful photos removed?!

Thanks for sharing mate. Very inspiring. :)
Lovely photos Stu, love the movement of the water in the first shot in particular, although it looks like you were about 20m further upstream last week.
Better in 'photography' though, not quite in the true spirit of 'from this to this' :)......maybe it can be a new sub forum in photography for natures from this to this!

Edit: George, just saw your post, not removed but moved ;)
Beautiful shots Stu!

Thanks :)

Why would anyone shout at you or want those beautiful photos removed?!

Thanks for sharing mate. Very inspiring. :)

I was naughty and put them in the "From this to this" thread george :) We should all have a trip up there sometime some stunning places to go.

Lovely photos Stu, love the movement of the water in the first shot in particular, although it looks like you were about 20m further upstream last week.
Better in 'photography' though, not quite in the true spirit of 'from this to this' :)......maybe it can be a new sub forum in photography for natures from this to this!

Edit: George, just saw your post, not removed but moved ;)

Cheers Ady. Yep that was further upstream. The original photo was taken balanced on a boulder which has shifted over the years and not very easy to stand on now with 3 grands worth of gear hanging over the water! i chose the calm bank instead!

Nice photos! In the first picture it appears to be flowing away from you, in the second towards you. The longer I look, the more I get confused about the direction of flow.

Cheers yo-han. The flow of the water is right to left in both the photos.