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From RO back to tap?


28 Feb 2017
Good afternoon,

Hope you're all fairing ok!

Quick question; can I convert back to tap water after using RO water in my tank? If so, what recommendations would you suggest to do this safety?

Tanks in advance!

Kind regards
Sure you can. I assume you are remineralising your RO water, so just don't do a sudden change and you should be fine.

I would start by mixing some tap water with the RO when doing water changes. I would start by using a ratio of 1 tap to 2 RO or even less tap for 2/3 weeks and then slightly increase the tap water ratio every 2/3 weeks until you only use tap water on your water changes.

My plan would be:
  • 1 Tap - 2 RO for 2 weeks
  • 1 Tap - 1 RO for 2 weeks
  • 2 Tap - 1 RO for 2 weeks
  • Tap only after that
Yeah Kadoxu, it's remineralised. Thanks for your reply and advise on this guys, it's much appreciated. Can't wait until I can go back to quick and simple water changes! Rookie mistake in switching over to RO as Birmingham has some of, if not the best tap water in the country. When I first started this tank I was like 'what?! I've got phosphates in my drinking water?! I'll be swamped with algae from this day forth! I need to rush out and buy an RO unit this instant! But came to learn quite quickly and ashamedly that phosphate is a friend in the planted tank world. Least my drinking water will be that more bearable now!

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